The last part of our tour of Corsica:
some of the most striking stone alignments, tall menhirs armed with daggers and
swords, very interesting prehistoric fortified settlements (set on rocky spurs
often quite hard to reach). But also more recent archaeological beauties, like
Punic bracelets and Attic cups, and lovely Romanesque churches. Here you can also
find our little Corsican zoo and a funny guide on how to get lost in the brushwood.

Four days full of Corsican
megaliths, but also a little bit of Ajaccio, the capital of the island
and the town where Napoleon Bonaparte was born. Another demanding walk
though the brushwood (we are starting feeling like wild boars...) an in-depth
visit to the well known site of Filitosa and a friendly meeting with Mr
Jean-Dominique Cesari, director of the Prehistoric Centre at Filitosa.

Another three days meeting
statue-menhirs with enigmatic eyes (and big ears indeed!)... Breathtaking
views on mountains and bays... Another demanding walk in thick brushwood
looking for dolmens (with huge capstones to be measured)... Litres of
lemonade (instead of wine)... And at last a bit of rest at the seaside!

Love at first sight: for
us - tireless megalithic travelers - Corsica represents a fabulous surprise.
Discover with us a beautiful dolmen set in a very remote place (very hard
to find but well worth the effort). Or the strange standing stones with
human faces carved on them. And what about the magnificent churches? And
of course the Corsicans: gold-hearted people still immune from the rat-race.
And the food: delicious!

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