friends, here we are with our last diary's page. Yes, we are back home
and our wonderful trip in Apulia is over (sigh!). But let's tell you
about our last three days of Ancient Apulia tour.
a night of thunders and lightnings, on Friday we had some good weather,
so we decided to go to Manduria, once an important Messapian settlement.
The Messapians were the inhabitants of the area around Lecce, Brindisi
and Taranto before the arrival of the Greeks and the Romans. They were
finally subjugated by the Romans in 266 B.C. Large parts of the defence
walls of the urban centres of this rather mysterious civilization are
visible all around Salento. In Manduria, apart from a gigantic
wall there is also an extensive Messapian burial ground with many
rock-cut graves. The stone used by
Messapian buildres is prehistoric sand, as showed by the shells
embedded in it. Walls and burials have been fenced by the Soprintendenza
Archeologica (organization for the Italian archaeological heritage),
there are no explicative panels around, so it is hard for a visitor
to visit the site and understand anything of that civilization. But
we must admit that even in Italy something works. Read on...
after this public shame of the national archaeological service, we went
to Maglie, a large town south of Lecce, where there is a very nice and
interesting museum of palaeontology and palaeoethnology. Well made,
easy to visit, equipped with multimedia stations and full of interesting
findings, from the teeth of gigantic prehistoric sharks (Carcharodon
megalodon) and mammoths to the Neolithic stone axes and flints and Bronze
Age artefacts. Congratulations to the town hall and the community
of Maglie for their effort: their museum is really worth a visit. On
our way back to Lecce we stopped at the tall Calamauri
standing stone, just beside the busy road SS 16.
next day the sun was still shining, so we went around to visit some
other standing stones south of Lecce: the secluded Ussano
one, the Staurotomea, the Vitigliano
and the broken Santu Lasi, the little
Apulian answer to the Grand Menhir Brisé in Brittany :-) The
weather was so good that Diego made also some panoramic movies at the
standing stones of Ussano and Polisano.
We also visited the "trilithon" Chianca
di Santo Stefano, an enigmatic monument recently restored by local
people. We also tried hard to have
a look at a Byzantine crypt outside Poggiardo, but it was hopelessly
closed. In the evening we had a pizza and a pleasant chat with our friends
Mimmo and Chiara, while their lovely baby Michela was sleeping like
an angel.
morning it was Sunday. We left our comfortable bed & breakfast and went
to say goodbye to Lecce: it was a sunny morning, the town was completely
closed to the traffic and in piazza Sant'Oronzo
there was half the town walking lazily around. Paola sat down and wrote
our last postcards, then we went to
Toti's office and made him a short but (we hope) very
interesting interview. Then he bravely escorted us to Taranto (120km
away from Lecce) for our very last megaliths of Apulia. First we visited
the Leucaspide dolmen, a striking
monument hidden in a nice pinewood. Diego liked so much this site that
he made two panoramic movies: one from the left
side, and the other from the right
side of the dolmen. Then we went to the Accettula
one, not far from a gravina (a deep canyon). Both sites are absurdely
fenced by the Soprintendenza (the usual
organization for the Italian archaeological heritage), but there are
openings to enter the fences quite easily.
was 4 p.m. and so came the sad moment to say goodbye to Toti and Apulia.
We took the motorway and drove northwards. A stop at a service
area with a peculiar name and we had to leave back (sigh!) the last
Apulian olive trees. We passed the Appennines, the Vesuvius volcano,
the Montecassino abbey, the outskirts of Rome and arrived at home in
Trevignano Romano. It was raining cats and dogs and we were so sad,
but a glance at the presents of our
Apulian friends made us smile and recall so many good memories... Goodbye
to everybody who had the patience to follow us in our journey among
the Apulian megaliths. And see you soon, for our next tour ;-)