Nearest town: Lochgilphead
Nearest village: Kilmartin
Map reference: NR 827978
this circle 13 stones are placed over a cairn
This almost perfect
circle -12m (40ft) in diameter- was the focus for centuries of burials. The
circle, restored, is shown in its final form with 13 stones, almost covered
by a cairn of stones.
Through the excavations (1929 and 1974-9) the sequence
of structures has been established; the earliest construction was a circle
of 22 stones. Two were decorated with concentric circles and a double
spiral. Various burials were made in and around the circle. Two cairns were
constructed outside it. Beneath them were cists containing burials. On the
paving of the west cairn was a layer of earth and the tooth of a 4-6 year-old
Around the end of the 18th century a hoard of coins, presumably medieval,
was found near the centre of the circle. The trees around the circle were
planted in the late 19th century and the site was given the name Temple
E and NE from this circle are the three cairns of Nether
Largie, and about 1.6 km (1 mile) SE from the site there are also the Ri
Cruin and Dunchraigaig cairns.