Nearest town: Lochgilphead
Nearest village: Kilmartin
Map reference: NR 831985
northern pair of the complex of various settings of standing stones in the fields
of Kilmartin Valley
In fields about 250 m (820 ft) from the Temple
Wood stone circles is a complex of various settings of standing stones
in a line running NE to SW. At both the south and north ends of the
alignment are pairs of standing stones, around 2.8 m (9 ft 2 in) high. One face of a stone ine ach pair
has three cup marks carved on it.
is also a group of four stones (24 m NE from the southern pair) and another
group of five stones in a cross formation.
Professor Thom believed that by lining up one arm of the cross with the
circle at Temple Wood and siting onto the peak of Bellanock Hill, the moon's
minimum positions every 18.61 years could be observed, and that various
stones in the alignment indicated critical positions for an observer of the
lunar maxima.