Then, I tried to shoot some more difficult targets: a globular cluster and a planetary nebula. In both cases, I was disappointed to discover that the D1 "B" exposure is practically a fake: you need to keep your finger pressed all the time during the exposure. The manual exposure limit is 30 seconds, so I tried to raise the gain of the Nikon D1 changing its sensitivity from ISO 200 to ISO 1600. The result was discouraging: the thermal noise on the images was so high that the main subjects were almost unrecognizable.
But... Wait: I could try to reduce the noise just applying the techniques I learned when shooting astronomical subjects! In fact, every image shot through one of those specialized digital astro-cameras would need at least a traditional light exposure to catch the light of a deep-sky object. Then a dark exposure will follow: this is simply another image with the same exposure time with the cap on the telescope which will be subtracted via software to eliminate the thermal noise. So, I put the cap on the telescope and I shot another image with the same exposure time of the photos I took to the globular cluster and the planetary nebula. After having downloaded the images to a faithful Apple PowerBook G3/266, I opened them in Adobe Photoshop 5.5 and made a 10-second image processing... |