Deep-Sky photos (colorur)

M 13 Globular Cluster - Constellation: Hercules

Date: August 13th - from 00:12 to 00:39 GMT
Digital camera: SBIG ST-7 + filter wheel SBIG CFW-8
Telescope: Astro-Physics StarFire EDF 6.1" f/7.5
Focal length: 1162mm f/7.5
Exposures: 3min. (red) + 3min. (green) + 3min. (blue) + 6min. (b/w)

M 27 Planetary Nebula - Constellation: Vulpecula

Date: August 12th/13th - from 23:44 to 00:03 GMT
Digital camera: SBIG ST-7 + filter wheel SBIG CFW-8
Telescope: Astro-Physics StarFire EDF 6.1" f/7.5
Focal length: 1162mm f/7.5
Exposures: 3min. (red) + 3min. (green) + 3min. (blue) + 6min. (b/w)

M 57 Planetary Nebula - Constellation: Lyra

Date: August 12th - from 23:20 to 23:33 GMT
Digital camera: SBIG ST-7 + filter wheel SBIG CFW-8
Telescope: Astro-Physics StarFire EDF 6.1" f/7.5
Focal length: 1162mm f/7.5
Exposures: 3min. (red) + 3min. (green) + 3min. (blue) + 6min. (b/w)