
friends, here we are in Apulia, the heel of our boot-shaped country.
It is a splendid region, with a rich historical past. Today we visited
the first megalithic monuments of our Apulian Tour. But let's start
from the beginning.
night we arrived in Canosa di Puglia, had a quick dinner and an ice cream
and went to bed. This morning, out of the hotel... surprise! There was
the weekly street market, nobody had told us and our little Renault Twingo
car was hopelessly blocked among panties
and pijamas. The only thing we could do was to walk around Canosa and
wait until 1 PM,, the market's closing time. So we went to the cathedral:
it was built in the Middle Age, but then rebuilt in more recent times.
Inside there are two beautiful pieces of Romanesque sculpture: a stone
chair, held up by two two marble elephants, and a high
lectern on four pillars, from where priests read the Scriptures.
the cathedral, we visited the Lagrasta Ipogei
(underground tombs cut in the rock, dating from the IV century BC) and
the archaeological museum. This is small, but full of interesting things,
from the Neolithic (stone axes, flints and
arrowheads) to the Preroman and Roman times (lots of beautifully decorated
pottery). Under the Romans, Canosa (Canusium in Latin) was an important
trade centre, known for the spinning of red woollen cloths and the decorated
pottery. Back to the hotel (and market) area we were finally able to release
our Renault car and leave for Canne. This is an ancient village, well
excavated, known because nearby Hannibal (not the Cannibal one) from Chartago
defeated the Romans in 216 BC (the famous battle of Canne). By the village,
there is now a very nice museum with objects found in the surrounding
ancient settlements, dating from the Neolothic to the Medieval times.
Among the findings, a very nice mother goddess
statuette from the second half of the 5th millennium BC.Not
far from the museum, hidden among olive trees (Apulia has a 23% share
of the world's olive oil production) we found our first Apulian megaliths:
the 3m tall standing stone of Canne. This
is the northernmost megalith in the region.
we drove to Trani, to visit its Romanesque
cathedral, situated in splendid position, a few metres from the sea.
It is a linear, apparently simple-looking building, with breathtaking
highrelieves on the façade.
Then we drove to one of the most beautiful dolmens of Apulia, the Chianca
one. Its capstone is 2.4m by 3.8m and the passage is 7.5m long. Burnt
human and animal bones were found during excavation; it is difficult to
find such material in Apulian dolmens. Here
you can find a panoramic view of the site.When
we reached the dolmen, a little furry ball
welcomed us. It was a white, sweet p uppy.
No mother around, so we guessed that it was abandoned by some bloody stupid
humanoid. We had no food for him, but we cut a plastic bottle into a bowl
and gave him all our water. It was so thirsty, that poor little thing.
We were so sad to leave him alone at the dolmen, but we couldn't possibly
take him with us. Now we have found two phone numbers of local animal
associations, and tomorrow morning we'll ring up to them and ask to save
the puppy.
Before reaching our next stop, Ruvo di Puglia, we visited another megalith
deeply hidden in the trees: the Dolmen dei
Paladini (Paladins). Its capstone measures 3m by 2.5m and weighs 8
tons. As for the Chianca dolmen, the chambers open to the East. Tomorrow
we will head South: more discoveries are on our path, so keep visiting
our pages!

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