friends, here is the second page of our diary. Yesterday morning we
left Ruvo di Puglia and reached an area full of standing stones, between
Sovereto and Palombaio. We visited five of them: they are simply called
standing stone no.1, no.2,
no.3, no.4
and Palombaio. It was pretty hard
to find them because you have to follow small country roads in the middle
of nowhere, surrounded only by olive trees, dogs and magpies - how many
of them down here!. And (unfortunately) tons of rubbish. It is a pity,
but it seems that here in Puglia it is all right to dump everything
from plastic bags to fridges along the roads.Thinking of bloody stupid
humanoids:do you remember the little puppy
abandoned at Chianca dolmen? We phoned to a certain Mrs Emma in bari
and told her about it. She is the local president of the national association
for the rescue of dogs. We are confident that the little puppy is well
this long series of standing stones, we drove to Castel
del Monte, one the Apulian wonders. Built by emperor Federico II
between 1240 and 1250, is a breathtaking octagonal fortress, with eight
octagonal towers and an octagonal inner courtyard. Situated in splendid
isolation on a hill in the middle of nowhere, Castel del Monte is still
a mistery: it wasn't a military fortress (no ditch, no drawbridge, etc.)
and it wasn't a luxury palace for parties & C.. And are lots of
numerical and astronomical combinations within the site. Inside the
fortress there are some splendid decorations,
survived to a series of robberies during the centuries. We
can only say it is a wonderful place, eerie, puzzling and peaceful at
the same time: a must for every visitor of Apulia.
Castel del Monte we drove to San Silvestro,
a well preserved dolmen near Giovinazzo. The site is fenced and closed
to the public in this period, so we had to climb and cross the fence
(yes, we know that this was forbidden, but we didn't touch a single
stone and we think that the information we are providing on these sites
will be useful to let people become aware of their importance). The
dolmen, once a single long gallery divided into several compartments
by upright slabs, was cut into two parts when - in the past - the diggers
dug its covering mound. Now, the two parts are 6m and 7.5m long.
slept in a farm accommodation centre (basic but clean) and this morning
we had our breakfast in Bitonto, a little town a few kilometres west
of Bari. In Bitonto we spent some time visiting the beautiful Romanesque
cathedral, admiring its sculptures,
an ancient mosaic representing a griffin and the delicate frescoes
in the crypt.
eastwards, we met one of the most peculiar standing stones of Apulia:
Il Monaco (The Monk), so called because
it seems a thin human figure wearing
a hood (Paola says it is more similar to Nessie, the Loch ness "monster"
of Scotland). Then we drove to a horrible industrial estate, where poor
Macchia Belladonna stone stands alone
in a field, surrounded by rubbish and factories. Afterwards we tried
to locate a standing stone in Modugno, alittle town south of Bari. After
hours spent driving around in traffic jams we gave up. We also asked
for information to local people: nobody knew anything about that stone
and an arrogant politician of the local town hall (he was from Alleanza
Nazionale, Italy's right-wing party) even denied its existence, claiming
that the monument wasn't a real prehistoric one, but simply a cast made
some time before for a fair.
two standing stones along the road (Mercadante
and Sammichele di Bari) and we arrived
in Alberobello, where there is the highest concentration of trulli,
old buildings with a typical conical roof, sometimes decorated with
a Christian or esoteric symbol for keeping the bad luck or the "evil
spirits" away from the house. The last monument of the day - before
reaching our lovely hotel in Ostuni - was Montalbano,
another dolmen hidden among olive trees. We also made a panoramic
view of this great-looking dolmen. And after a delicious dinner
in a local osteria and a romantic walk through the narrow streets of
the town, here we are, writing our diary. Now it's 3:00 AM, so goodnight
to everybody and see you soon in the Lecce area.