Nearest town: Merthyr Tydfil
Nearest village: Deri
Map reference: SO 103034
This leaning standing stone lies
near an ancient trackway
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This ancient stone stands on the east side of Cefn Bugail, near an ancient trackway and a later Roman road from Gelligaer to the north (still visible). It is 2.5m (8ft 6in) high and greatly inclined. There was an inscription running vertically on its eastern face, partially defaced before 1862, and then totally mutilated by a group of miners in 1875. The inscription was "TEFROIHI" or "TEFSOIHI": (The stone) of ?Roihi.
Former observers have recorded that the pillar stood at the edge of a small circular enclosure about 5m (16ft 9in) in diameter and, according to William Camden (who in 1695 wrote one of the first books on British antiquities), a person had been interred in the midst of the area.
Dating of the stone is controversial. According to some researchers, it is an early Christian memorial monument, marking a burial, following the Roman custom of roadside tombs.
A legend tells that a treasure is buried beneath the pillar: when a farmer tried to dig it a thunderstorm came, turning the man away and bending the stone.
SW of the stone, 100m (320ft) up the hill, there is small round cairn. At a short distance, on the summit of the ridge, there is also Carn Bugail round cairn.