Archaeological Resources
There are thousands of archaeological sites in the Net. We have selected a list that could be useful to learn more about megalithic sites in Scotland and the rest of Europe.
- Ancient World
Web - A compendium of Internet sites discussing the Ancient World
- ArchNet - Virtual Library
for Archaeology; this web site provides access to archaeological resources
available on the Internet. Information is categorized by geographic region
and subject
- Archaeology
Links - Extensive collection of archeology-related links. Includes
African, British Isles, Egyptian, list of publications, reference sources
- Archaeological
Resource Guide for Europe (ARGE) - From the University of Birmingham;
this clear and extensive guide for European archaeology contains the most
comprehensive set of resources for this region
- An exhaustive listing of just about any archival
and library resource on the web for just about any historical research
- British Archaeology
on the Internet, maintained at the University of Durham
- Directory of Archaeological
Societies and Journals, 1996 Edition with E-mail addresses
- Current Archaeology Directory
of British Archaeology hot-linked for your convenience in contacting
people and organizations around the world
- Glossary of archaeological
- the WWW version of the Internet Resource Guide to Heritage
Conservation, Historic Preservation, and Archaeology
- Irish Archaeology
Home Page, with an extensive list of links
- The
Archaeology Ireland Database - Searchable online index and summaries
of 1994 / 5 excavations in Ireland
Monument Class Descriptions - These data have been produced over a number of years by the Monuments Protection Programme (English Heritage) to support an evaluation procedure which was designed as the starting point for defining national importance
- National Monuments Record at the RCHME - These records include 2.5 million air photographs providing complete coverage of England and data on most archaeological sites, excavations and archives in England
- An Unofficial Web Guide to National
Trust Properties In England, under construction, maintained in Australia
- The Prehistoric Web Index - Rich and useful database that takes you straight to images and info on megalithic and prehistoric sites in the Web
- UK archaeology
resources on the Internet, maintained at the University of Nottingham
- British
Stone Circles - B/W images of stone circles in
Cornwall, Cumbria, Derbyshire, Devon, Lancashire and Wiltshire. By Stephen
- Images
of sites in the British Isles - Clive Ruggles' on-line image resource
for archaeoastronomy
- Images
of sites in continental Europe, including northern France, Bulgaria,
Romania, Mallorca
- MegaLithic! Prehistoric
Ritual Monuments within the British Isles (250 images currently available)
- Myths and Megaliths - This site's images represent only a small degree of the many Neolithic / Bronze Age megalithic monuments that are spread across the length and breadth of the British Isles. By Jim Dyson
- Newgrange
- Photos of burial mounds at Newgrange by Jeremy Hylton
& Tara Gilligan
- Scottish photos on the Net - Scottish landscapes and megaliths by Joanne Winters. You can also send them as free electronic postcards
Scottish stones - Gallery of five megaliths of Scotland: Drumtroddan, Cairn Holy I and II, Torhousekie I and II. By Pat O'Halloran
- Alastair's Stone Circle Pages - The Preseli Hills in South
Wales and stone circles in northern England and Orkeny Islands. By Alastair
- Stonehenge VR
- Virtual Reality model (PC/Windows only) of Stonehenge and its environment
to illustrate English Heritage plans to create the greatest prehistoric
monumental park in the world
- Virtual Barnhouse - Reconstruction of a Neolithic dwelling excavated at Barnhouse, Orkney. It explores some recent archaeological theoretical trends through a virtual-reality reconstruction
- The way we
were - A few, beautiful photographs of Callanish and Stonehenge. By
Colin Aiken
- Amazon.com Books - The most complete
Internet bookshop: over 2.5 millions of titles. Exceptional search engine,
interesting discount prices (20-40%), readers' reviews and search service
for rare and out of print books
- Blackwell's
Bookshop Archaeology Page - Internet shopping with searchable index
of hundreds of books on Archaeology
- B T Batsford
- Publishers of specialist books in Archaeology, currently only have the
English Heritage and Historic Series
- Castle Bookshop
has a huge stock of Archaeology, Architecture and History volumes,
and a mail-order service
- International Center for Retrieval of New, Ancient and Rare Books. Up-to
date list of new Italian books on Archaeology, Antiquities and Classical
- COPAC - Online Public Access
Catalogue, based at the University of Manchester, COPAC provides searchers
to the online catalogues of some of the largest university research libraries
in UK and Ireland. Searching is possible using title words, author
and organisation names, subject words, date and language
- Fred Hanna's Bookstore - Internet
bookshop based in Dublin, Ireland, with many archaeological titles and
a searchable index
- Oxbow Books - Specialists
in books on Archaeology and History from Early Man to the Middle Ages,
including Prehistory across Europe and the Near East. Also covered is the
Archaeology of the Americas, Africa and Asia
- Routledge
- Publisher with many Archaeology titles and a searchable catalogue online
The Stationery Office Virtual Bookstore
- Suppliers of official publications, including some RCHME titles
- Waterstone's - Internet site of one of the most famous bookshops in the world: online
catalogue, chat, critics guide, best sellers and a good selection of Archaeology
- Antiquity - Web site of the famous archaeological journal
- Archaeology - An official publication of the Archaeological Institute of America, Archaeology Magazine Online features its current issue's TOC, abstracts and selected articles partnered with listings of archaeology events / museum shows, selected back issues and staff choices for best archaeological sites on the Web
- Archaeology
Computing Newsletter - Under development at Glasgow University
- Archaeology Ireland
Online taster of the popular magazine on Irish Archaeology
- The Assemblage - An e-zine on Archaeology providing fun and facts
- British Archaeology -
The WWW incarnation of the excellent CBA Newsletter
- Current Archaeology - If you have an interest in anything to do with British Archaeology, this
is the place to find out about digs, discoveries, latest news, societies,
events, or just other people who share your interests
- HW Wilson Art Abstracts - This database is now hosted by EDINA (Edinburgh Data and Information Access). It provides both abstracts and bibliographic references for a wide variety of archaeological journals, including: American Journal of Archaeology, American Antiquity, Antiquity, Archaeologischer Anzeiger, Archaeologia, Archaeological Journal, Archaeology, Journal of Field Archaeology, Museum News, Revue Archeologique
- Internet Archaeology
- On-line
Archaeology - Experimental journal of archaeological theory at Southampton
- L'Age du Bronze de la region Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur - Rock art discussed on the site is about south-east France's Bronze Age
- Ancient Ways
- Graphically pleasing guide to the main megalithic areas of Britain (Avebury,
Callanish, Land's End, Stonehenge, Uffington, Orkney and Peak District).
Many great b/w photographs and extensive descriptions. By Jerry Wellard
- Ancient Scotland - Lots of details and many photographs of sites in Orkney, Kilmartin and the Hebrides. By Martin McCarthy
- The Ancient Sites
Directory - Pleasant and very updated guide to prehistoric monuments around the Great Britain. Details of how to find
them and a useful glossary. By Chris Tweed
- Ardnacross at Gallifrey via the Stone Circle Gateway - Photos and words describing an experience on an archaeological excavation of fallen stones in a double row of stones
- Bretagne
Megaliths - Menhirs, dolmens, the history of megaliths and a few places
to visit in Brittany (France). Very good commentary and stunning black
and white photographs
- Brodgar and Stenness on the Web - Some pictures and discussion of two famous stone circles on the Orkney Islands
- Information on Browne's
Hill Dolmen (Ireland). By Carlow Rural Tourism
- A photograph and information about Browne's
Hill Dolmen (Ireland). By John Byrne, Carlow RTC
- Callanish (Calanais)
Visitor Centre - One of the best Scottish sites, Callanish lies on
the Isle of Lewis
- Cerne Abbas Giant
- Read the full story and the last theories about this chalk-cut figure.
By Rodney Legg
- The Cotswolds - Neolithic, Bronze and Iron Age sites with descriptions and some photographs
Cumbria History
- Info and photographs of some well-known megalithic sites of Cumbria, including Mayburgh Henge, Castlerigg and Long Meg stone circles
- Dolmen e Menhir di Giurdignano
(in Italian) - Itinerary comprising several megalithic sites in southern
- Dolmens in Denmark
- A collection of high resolution photographs
- Dolmen in the Netherlands
- Extensive Dutch passage-graves (hunebedden) and dolmens guide, with many photographs and an active map. Full reports both
in English and Dutch of all existing 54 hunebedden in Holland. By Hans Meijer
- Dolmens in the Netherlands
- Guide to dolmens in Drenthe (Netherlands). By Oene Bakker
- Faldouet Dolmen
or La Pouquelaye de Faldouet - One of the so-called fairy stones
on the Island of Jersey
- Heaven
and Earth - Maps, sections, measures, info and photographs of Newgrange,
Knowth, Dowth, Maes Howe and some other Scottish megalithic sites
- Kilmartin House Trust - Kilmartin House Trust is establishing a pioneering centre for Archaeology:
to inform visitors of all there is to see and enjoy; to look at links between
people and their environment; to help interpret the landscape; to search
for clues to the beginnings of Scottish culture. Map guide and pictures
of many megalithic sites in the Kilmartin Valley
- A walk to the Maiden Castle
- Archaeology and
Prehistory on Malta - Many good photographs
- Megalith Pîcture
Pages - Picture database covering megalithic sites in the world: southern
England, Wales, southern Ireland, Brittany (France), Netherlands, Germany,
Portugal and Spain. By Jan Bily
- Megalithic
Mysteries - From Orkney to Cornwall, over 100 photographs and descriptions of the most interesting and picturesque British standing stones, stone circles and stone rows. By Andy Burnham
- Megalithic
Sites of Britain - Interesting pages on megalithic sites in Great Britain. By Chris Whitcombe
- Megaliths - The Arcane Technologies megaliths web site aim is to document all the Scottish megalithic sites. Good photographs and useful info. By Alligator Descartes
- Megaliths of Hy-Brazil - Web page about some huge and almost unknown megalithic sites in Southern America. Also a couple of b/ w images of stone sites in West New Guinea and Caroline Islands. By an independent researcher, Arthur Franco
- Megaliths in Mallorca - Bronze Age constructions and walled villages in the isle of Mallorca
- Golfe du Morbihan - Beautiful site about the megalithic paradise of Brittany (France). Very well designed, splendid pictures, lots of useful info and a little megalithic dictionary. By Miranda Joubioux
Resources about Portuguese
Megaliths (in Portuguese)
- The Friends of the Rollright Stones - Fact, fable and fantasy about the only stone circle in the Cotswolds
- Sliabh na Caillí - Pics and info on the stone mound Sliabh na Caillí, in Ireland. By Ceridwen Keeley
- The Prehistoric Stelae-Statues
of Lunigiana (Tuscany, Italy) - An incredibly well-made virtual museum. By Gruppo Archeologico Pisano
- Stone Circles & Cairns - This site contains information and pictures on stone circles, cairns and henges in Scotland
- Alastair's Stone Circle Pages - An informal guide to circles in northern England and Wales, concentrating on high quality pictures and text detailed enough for the enthusiast. Derbyshire in particular is covered thoroughly
- Stone circles of the Gambia - Web page dedicated to the very little known but extremely interesting stone circles in Gambia, Africa. By Momodou Camara
Stones of
Wonder - Extremely detailed and comprehensive Web guidebook to megalithic
sites in Scotland that have astronomical orientations. By Robert Pollack.
There is a listing of the monuments which can be visited, and the best
time of year to see them and observe for yourself sunrises, sunsets, moon
rises and moon sets. His work is based on original surveys
- Trackways - Two trackways located on the Humber foreshore south of Melton in East Yorkshire (England) are now on line as part of the Humber Wetlands Project. The site includes information about the discovery, the recent excavations and the interpretations of the two trackways and contains a number of photographs of them under excavation
- UK Stone Circles
and Antiquities - Stone circles, standing stones,
henges and Iron Age hillforts are displayed on these pages, along with
images and brief descriptions
- Virtual
Fieldtrip to Salisbury Plain - Complete map linked to dozens of text-only
descriptions of archaeological sites, by the University of Southampton
Department of Archaeology
- Visit Orkney - Take a look at Orkney, a group of islands with a splendid collection of burial grounds and stone circles, including the Ring of Brodgar and Skara Brae. By Andy Nicol
- Webolith - Web pages covering
a number of petroform sites in in the Kawartha region of Ontario, Canada.
Their prehistoric origin is controversial
- The Wicker Screen - History Home Page - A review of some of Wessex ancient sites. It covers various sites, from the world famous Stonehenge to the virtually unknown henges of Knowlton. By Phil Dunn
- British Archaeological Association - This page provides details of the activities of the Association and contacts you should wish to inquire further. Details of the last summer conference have been retained so viewers can appreciate what occurs on one
- Center
for Archaeoastronomy - Founded in 1978 at the University of Maryland
to advance research, education and public awareness of archaeoastronomy
- Council for British Archaeology
- Council for Scottish
- English Heritage
- English Heritage Ancient Monuments
- The Heritage Council of Ireland
- Includes information on the Council, its officers, policies and activities.
The 1997 Irish grants scheme is advertised as well as information about
some of the archaeological projects the Council supports
- Heritage Lincolnshire and Archaeological Project
- RCHME - Royal Commission
on the Historical Monuments of England and the National Monuments Record
- RCAHMS - Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Scotland
- RCAHMW - Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Wales
- SCRAN - The Scottish
Cultural Resources Access Network is a Millennium Project to build a networked
multimedia resource base for the study, teaching and appreciation of history
and material culture in Scotland. Currently the SCRAN resource base contains
about 60,000 text records of objects from over 30 museums, galleries and
archives. A few hundred of these records are attached to images. By the
Millennium there are plans to grow to 1.5 million text records and 100,000
multimedia objects, including movies, sound clips and VR
- Society For American Archaeology
- An international organization dedicated to the research, interpretation,
and protection of the archaeological heritage of the Americas
- Anasazi - Prehistoric archaeological sites of the American Southwest (Colorado, Utah, Arizona and New Mexico). By Greg Bondar
- Archaiologia Jobs and People Finder - For everyone involved in Archaeology, History and related disciplines looking for jobs and contracts (e.g. volunteer places on digs, teaching posts etc.); needing staff for a project or a permanent position (job and project vacancies); requiring specialist services (e.g. geophysical surveying, archaeological illustration etc.)
- Archaiologia Jobs and People Finder - For everyone involved in Archaeology, History and related disciplines looking for jobs and contracts (e.g. volunteer places on digs, teaching posts etc.); needing staff for a project or a permanent position (job and project vacancies); requiring specialist services (e.g. geophysical surveying, archaeological illustration etc.)
- Butser Ancient
Farm - Frequently known as the Iron Age Farm: is a replica of the sort
of farm which would have existed in the British Iron Age circa 300 BC
- The Celtic, Gaulish, Bronze Age in the Netherlands (2000BC-800BC) - Prehistoric site about the Bronze Age in the Netherlands, including a Gaulish-English dictionary, the Copper Age, the Middle East, skinning experiments, etc.
- CAA++ - Computer Applications
in Archaeology
- Carhenge
- An incredible full-size replica of Stonehenge done in automobile bodies.
Created by James Reinders and his family in June, 1987
- Cranborne
Chase - A summary of sites discovered via aerial
photography in North Dorset: Whitey Top Farm, Pentridge (geophysical survey
over a probable Neolithic mortuary enclosure and long barrow), the Handley
Down enclosure, Sixpenny Handley (geophysical, contour surveys and excavation
over a probable Early Neolithic enclosure), Goldfields Farm, Sixpenny Handley
(geophysical survey over a Bronze Age to Romano-British settlement) and
Down Farm, Gussage St Michael (geophysical survey over an enclosure noted
on aerial photographs of 1955)
- Danops Denmark
Iron Age Village - A reconstructed ancient environment built according to findings from archaeological excavations
- Del Nogier. Histoire et archeologie en Correze (in French)
- Discovery Programme - A state-sponsored archaeological research programme, based in Dublin
- Earth Mysteries & Sacred Site Tours - Tours to England, Ireland, Scotland, Greece, Crete, Egypt, Malta, Switzerland, France, Peru, Hawaii. Explore mythology, earth mysteries, ancient sites, metaphysics, ley lines, megalithic sites, temples, gods/goddess, alternative healing therapies, mystical sites
- European
Convention for the Protection of the Archaeological Heritage of Europe
(Revised) 1992 - 'Malta Convention'
- Every
Ogham thing on the Web
- Highland Archaeology Service - Featuring walks around Caithness
- Introduction to Irish archaeology - By Michael Sundermeier, Creighton University, Oregon, U.S.A., as background information to a course on Irish literature. It is illustrated with photographs taken by the author
- Iron Age Homestead Sweden - Activities aimed to bring prehistory to life. They include guided tours and for school classes, a taste of Iron Age living
- Research at the Knowlton
Henge complex - As reported from Bournemouth University
- Legendary Tours - Story-teller Richard Marsh leads small groups on full-day tours, on which Irish myth and legend come to life in a special way "on location" at Stone Age passage tombs, Bronze Age stone circles and dolmens, Iron Age hill forts and ring forts, standing stones, ogham stones, earthworks and raths
- The Ley Hunter Journal - The journal of geomancy and earth mysteries, ancient wisdom, landscapes and sacred sites
- MARS - The Monuments at Risk Survey; on this Web site you may find The Martian Chronicles (bulletins of MARS Projecy) and some conference papers
- Mid-Atlantic Geomancy - If you
seek evidence of the geomantic tradition and its skills on both sides of
the Atlantic Ocean
- Museum of the Iron Age - This English museum interprets the site of nearby Danebury Hill fort and life in the pre-Roman Age
Ogam-Inschriften (in German) - A huge database of ogham inscriptions. By Jost Gippert
Oxford conferences on archaeoastronomy
- A series of triennial meetings that have focused
on the role that astronomical phenomena have played in human societies,
ranging from the applied (such as the basis for calendrics and orientations)
to the ceremonial (the significance given the "ritual landscape"
of the sky).
- The Palaeolithic
Cave Art Resource (PCAR) - Palaeolithic cave art in France and Spain,
with links and information on the major caves
- Pictish
Symbol Stones - Extensive info about the magnificently sculpted standing
stones erected by the kingdom of the Picts, ousted by the Scots in the
9th century AD. By Alligator Descartes
- RockArtNet
- Project to provide information about online Rock Art resources
- Sheffield
Archaeology - Excavations and fieldwork taking place
on South Uist (Outer Hebrides, Scotland). Late Bronze Age and Early Iron
Age houses and settlement, broch and associated settlement and Neolithic/Early
Bronze Age settlements
- Solar Markers - Solstices
are wonderful times to look for solar markers in rock. Indeed, the window
of opportunity is about two weeks. On these pages there are many examples
of solar markers and information on how observing them
- South Cadbury Hillfort, Somerset - The Later Prehistoric Pottery
- STILE: Clive
Ruggles' Students' and Teachers' Interactive Learning Environment - Leicester
- Swarkestone
quarry - Excavations were carried out from October to December 1995 of a Bronze Age burial monument in the western extension of this English quarry. These revealed important evidence of settlement and burial in the later Neolithic, Bronze Age and Iron Age periods
- Well Within
- Sponsors and conducts workshops, conferences, weekend retreats and international
tours to mysterious and sacred sites
- alt.archaeology
A more diverse version of sci.archaeology
- sci.archaeology
A very active newsgroup. Recent threads have discussed proto-writing
in Europe, Sumarian astronomy, Atlantis, Tutankamun, "ancient visitors
to North America," Norwegian petroglyphs, and potsherds.
- sci.archaeology.moderated
This is a moderated newsgroup dedicated to the discussion of archaeology,
the study of the past through its material culture. It would meet a long-standing
demand for a moderated newsgroup for the discussion of archaeology without
flames and without the postings either based on speculation or of a non-scientific
nature that have put many people off in the past.
There is a mailbase list devoted to the discussion of all aspects of experimental archaeology. Experimental archaeology being the attempt to increase our understanding of the archaeological record by the experimental reproduction of the technological and cultural activities thought to be involved in the creation of that record.
To subscribe, send the following message to mailbase@mailbase.ac.uk:
join arch-experiment first name last name stop
The Archaeology List (unmoderated) was formed to facilitate discussions
of archaeological problems, especially those concerned with research, excavations,
etc. ARCH-L logs and related files are available at http://tamvm1.tamu.edu/~ARCH-L.
To subscribe, send the following message to listserv@tamvm1.tamu.edu:
Subscribe ARCH-L your name
An electronic discussion list for Archaeology Students. Organized in
October 1994, this list has been established to provide an open forum for
both graduate and undergraduate students of archaeology to discuss topics
relevant to the field and to our lives as archaeologists. To subscribe,
send the following message to listproc@lists.Colorado.edu:
subscribe arch-student your name
A list for the discussion and exchange of information in archaeological
theory in Europe: social theory, material culture, epistemology, the past
in the present, cultural identity, perspectives from anthropology and history.
To subscribe, send the following message to mailbase@mailbase.ac.uk:
join arch-theory your name
Sponsored by the Council for British Archaeology (CBA) and the British
Academy, the purpose of BRITARCH is for discussions and information dissemination
relating to British archaeology. It will also be used by the CBA to disseminate
news of events and other relevant items. The list is aimed at anyone with
an interest in British archaeology. Further details about the list can
be obtained from the Mailbase server's Web
page: http://www.mailbase.ac.uk/lists-a-e/britarch/ To join the list
send the following email message to mailbase@mailbase.ac.uk:
join britarch your name
This list is for for discussion and dissemination of information about
archaeological computing. Relevant topics include numerical methods, software,
hardware, statistical analysis of data, methods for support of field techniques,
methods for storage and dissemination of data, techniques for Internet,
World Wide Web, and multimedia publication of research, image recording
and analysis, photogrammetry, site recording, and database design and management.
To subscribe, send the following message to listserv@listserv.acsu.buffalo.edu:
This list will enable discussion amongst those engaged or interested
in research into the conservation of historic buildings, artefacts and
works of art with the aim of assisting in bringing together providers and
users of conservation research and in the defining of common research themes
across the conservation profession. It will be for the sharing of ideas
and experience, and for the exchange of views on the development of national
and international conservation research aims. To subscribe, send the following
message to mailbase@mailbase.ac.uk:
join conservation-research firstname lastname
This list discuss any aspect of publishing archaeology on the Internet.
To join send an email to mailbase@mailbase.ac.uk
with the line: join intarch-interest firstname(s) lastname
listserve concerned with the Mesolithic of Northwestern Europe. To
join send an email to majordomo@watarts.uwaterloo.ca
with the line: SUBSCRIBE MESOLITHIC your e-mail address
Mailing list devoted to rock art: pertoglyphs, cup-and-ring sites,
carvings and rock marks. To join the list send the following email message
to listserv@asuvm.inre.asu.edu:
join rock-art your name
This mailing list came into being as a facility for a small number of people to take part in a broad and open conversation regarding anything that relates to ancient sites. The term ancient sites in this context covers any type of archaeological site from stone circles and burial mounds to brochs and hill forts, pyramids and Nasca lines. The discussion is not limited to sites within the British Isles, although it is likely that correspondence will concentrate upon these sites for much of the time.
To join the list send a message to stones@henge.demon.co.uk
with the following on the subject line:

| Diary | Images
| Messages | Maps
| Equipment | Stone