Nearest town: Stromness
Nearest village: Stenness
Map reference: HY 294134
SE from the circle lies one of the most definite indicators of any foresight in
The Comet Stone is so-called because in the 18th century, the Ring
of Brodgar was thought to be the Temple of the Sun and the nearby Stones
of Stenness, from its crescent shape, the Temple of the Moon.
This standing
stone lies 137 m (449 ft) SE from the Brodgar Circle and it is considered
one of the most definite indicators of any foresight at Brodgar. It is interesting
that the Comet Stone is the only menhir which serves this role, and professor
R.J.C. Atkinson has remarked how odd it is that most of the supposed indicators
consist of cairns, when in Orkney there is plentiful stone suitable for
the construction of very flat menhirs.