Nearest town: Stornoway
Nearest village: Garynahine
Map reference: NB 230304
IV lies on a hill near Garyanine
On a hill to the SSE of Calanais (Callanish
I), is Garynahine or Ceann Hulavig, Callanish IV. This is a low central stone
enclosed in a cairn and surrounded by an oval setting of five uprights.
Apart from Callanish I, there are several other circles in the vicinity,
as well as other settings of stones, and the four major monuments round
the north and east sides of Loch Ceann Hulavig appear from their careful
siting to have been intended to be intervisible. Cnoc
Ceann a'Gharaidh and Cnoc Filibhir Bheag
are called respectively Callanish II and III. They are situated about 2.1
km NNW from Callanish IV.