The spirals on the right/front wall of the side cell |
 Full view of the spirals and the ceiling of the tomb |
 View of the double spirals and part of the panel |
 The spirals on the left wall of the side cell |
 Double spirals and a hint of bulls' horns carved on the main panel |
 The chequered motif painted on a side vault |
 The main panel, with its bright red frame, contains a carved pair of wide bull horns |
 The roof has been carved as it was made of wood planks, painted in dark blue and white |
Since we published these photos on the Web, many people asked if we artificially enhanced colours, as it's almost unbelievable that the red ochre paintings remained so bright after almost 5,000 years.
Actually, the only enhancements we made are related to the darkest part of the pictures (lightening shadows) and adapting white balance - so to make colours look as uniform as possible between different shots. Here is an original image, alongside with an "enhanced" version. As you can see, the reds do have the same tint and saturation, while the darkest parts appear much lighter.