Paola Arosio
Diego Meozzi
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Index of news related to Rest of Europe
18 January 2022
- Horned helmets of the Bronze Age
17 January 2022
- Ancient Mediterranean tsunami
15 January 2022
- Ancient pottery found in Jersey
12 January 2022
- Turkish Neolithic statuette - a man or a woman?
- Arctic hunter-gatherers were advanced ironworkers
6 January 2022
- Landscape modification by last interglacial Neanderthals
4 January 2022
- Remains of 4,500-year-old rope found in Turkey
31 December 2021
- Rock art found in Turkey
23 December 2021
- Vast trade network in prehistoric Russia
22 December 2021
- Metal deposition were 'the most ordinary thing in the world'
19 December 2021
- Largest known Viking Longhouse in Scandinavia
18 December 2021
- 4000-year-old graves discovered in Denmark
15 December 2021
- Earliest evidence of humans decorating jewellery in Eurasia
6 December 2021
- Why did modern humans take so long to settle in Europe?
5 December 2021
- Prehistoric village discovered in Turkey
- Discoveries in cave on Croatian island
- Stone Age textiles at Çatalhöyük
23 January 2021
- Bronze Age hoards full of standardized objects
- Teeth pendants speak of the elk's prominent status in prehistory
- Ice Age wolf domestication
7 January 2021
- Prehistoric ivory items from Siberia
26 December 2020
- 8,400-year-old dog buried with his master
- Earliest known identical twins found in Upper Palaeolithic grave
- Prehistoric european hunters carved human bones into weapons
27 March 2020
- 25,000-year-old structure built of the bones of 60 mammoths
12 February 2020
- Oldest known tree-ring dated wood structure
- 8,000-year-old figurine at Catalhoyuk
- Stone tools reveal Neanderthal travels
25 January 2020
- Triple Copper Age burial discovered in Croatia
- Grave of an elite Bronze Age man reconstructed in 3D
23 January 2020
- Unique Stone Age Ring made from deer antler discovered in Denmark
21 January 2020
- Neolithic house orientations finally solved
- Rock art scraped off in Greece by vandals
- 17,000-year-old Venus statue in Romania stirs controversy
30 December 2019
- Babies in the Neolithic were given bone spoons to teethe on
20 December 2019
- Neolithic chewing gum helps recreate image of ancient Dane
5 December 2019
- Human teeth as jewellery in ancient Turkey
29 November 2019
- Ancient sewer system discovered in Turkey
25 November 2019
- 8,000-year old monument unearthed in Turkey
- Latvian museum's tiny boat are far older than expected
- Early Bronze Age sword discovered in Bohemia
1 September 2019
- Standing stones may hold answer to 60 year old dolmen mystery
- Evidence of cereal production found in Bronze Age Austria
27 August 2019
- Sandstone sculptures from the Danube puzzle archaeologists
22 August 2019
- Communal sophistication at Neolithic site in Greece
- Bronze Age Scandinavia trade routes
19 August 2019
- Evidence of violence behind human skull remains from the Palaeolithic
28 January 2019
- Neolithic diets in southeastern Europe
21 January 2019
- What the 'Nebra Sky Disk' tells us about ancient Germans
19 January 2019
- First evidence that ancient Europeans were hunting mammoths
15 January 2019
- Hoard of Copper Age axes discovered in Bulgaria
29 December 2018
- A Bronze Age regicide in Germany?
- Santorini excavation yields impressive new finds
- Oldest human remains in Poland
- Neolithic village found in Albania
19 December 2018
- Ancient 'pencil' up to 50,000 years old found in Siberia
- Stone snakeheads may be related to 8,300-year-old ritual ceremonies
- Prehistoric gameboard carved into the earth shows how nomads had fun
- Oldest ever traces of the plague found in Sweden
- Unique Bronze Age discovery in Slovakia
18 December 2018
- Stone Age food was haute cuisine
- Ancient DNA from Finland reveals origins of Siberian ancestry
- Prehistoric cave art reveals ancient use of complex astronomy
14 October 2018
- Prehistoric children learned many skilled tasks
- Neolithic and Bronze Age finds in Cyprus
25 September 2018
- The mysterious bronze hand found in Switzerland
24 September 2018
- Excavations to be resumed at Belgian megalithic site
23 September 2018
- Early Neolithic miniature masks
10 September 2018
- Mammoth 'kill site' and ancient graves discovered in Austria
- 7,200-year-old cheese making found in Croatia
- Turkish archeologists unearth 3,000-year tomb
- Neanderthal mother, Denisovan father
- Greek farmer in Crete stumbles onto 3,400-year-old tomb
17 April 2018
- 5,000-year-old shoe found in Switzerland
- Skilled potters travelled around the Baltic nearly 5000 years ago
20 February 2018
- Oldest Dutch artwork discovered in the North Sea
- 8,000-year-old heads on stakes found in underwater grave
11 February 2018
- Early Scandinavians descended from Europeans and Russians
2 February 2018
- Discoveries beneath ancient Greek 'pyramid'
- Study shows Europe's forests halved over 6,000 years
21 January 2018
- Norwegian houses reused for over 1000 years during Stone Age
14 January 2018
- Neolithic girl's face unveiled in Greece
12 January 2018
- Jersey joins Europe's Cultural Route programme
1 January 2018
- Earliest copper alloys chosen for their appearance
20 December 2017
- Ancient settlement unearthed near Istanbul's oldest burial site
19 December 2017
- Mysterious Stone Age rocks found on Danish island
- Rare Iron Age ring found in Jersey
7 December 2017
- Adornments tell about culture of Paleolithic people
- Neolithic women's arm bones stronger than today's elite female rowers
5 December 2017
- Prehistoric graves discovered in Norway
- Bronze Age elite forged iron weapons and jewelry from meteorites
4 December 2017
- 15.000-year-old statuette discovered in Croatia
3 December 2017
- Ancient textiles reveal differences in Mediterranean fabrics
25 November 2017
- Iron Age fortress discovered in Turkish lake
- Clues to fighters on Europe's oldest known battlefield
- European hunter-gatherers co-existed with farmers from Near East
19 November 2017
- Prehistoric standing stone discovered in Switzerland
- Ancient bear statuette unearthed in Turkey
16 November 2017
- 'Stones of interest' found on Jersey
15 November 2017
- 5,000-year-old fortress discovered in central Turkey
11 November 2017
- Can Polish group save an important Neolithic site?
- Late Neolithic giant farmhouse uncovered in Denmark
8 November 2017
- Artefact suggests long-distance exchange between Mesolithic communities
- Bronze Axe found north of the Alps
7 November 2017
- Ancient inscription tells of Trojan prince, Sea people
- 10,000-year-old petroglyph found in Norway
- 11,500-year-old settlement unearthed in Turkey
4 November 2017
- Europe's Stone Age fishers used beeswax to make a point
17 October 2017
- 8,000-year-old paint workshop discovered in Turkey
31 August 2017
- Archaeologists track ancient wheat in Bronze Age box
- Nine Bronze Age tombs discovered in Eastern Romania
16 August 2017
- Excavation of a round mound in the Isle of Man
- 7,000-year-old figurine discovered in Poland
8 March 2017
- A great app for Megalithomaniacs
3 March 2017
- Horsemen swept into Bronze Age Europe 5,000 years ago
28 February 2017
- A prehistoric labyrinth in Denmark?
9 February 2017
- Unique Iron Age burial excavated in Germany
27 January 2017
- 6,000 year old clay fragment identified as part of a face mask
25 January 2017
- Were the Neanderthals rock collectors?
10 January 2017
- Cypriot-style ceramics in Iron Age Anatolia
22 December 2016
- Two unique 8,000-year-old figurines discovered in Turkey
20 December 2016
- Neanderthals visited seaside cave for 180,000 years
19 December 2016
- Late Bronze Age crown found in Greece
16 December 2016
- Underwater Stone Age settlement mapped out
15 December 2016
- Post Mortem carried out on 2,500 year old remains
13 December 2016
- Burnt Iron Age house unearthed in Denmark
6 December 2016
- Bone objects discovered in ancient cremated remains
- Fires set by Ice Age hunters destroyed forests throughout Europe
30 November 2016
- Copper Age human bone amulet discovered in Bulgaria
6 October 2016
- Intact Neolithic figurine discovered in Turkey
3 October 2016
- Scientists reconstruct 5,000 year old tomb in Ukraine
28 September 2016
- Burnt cheese casts light on 3,000 year-old family drama
26 September 2016
- Significant Bronze age burial find in Cyprus
14 August 2016
- What drove northern European Neanderthals to cannibalism?
24 July 2016
- Digs uncover buildings in Cyprus' 11,000-year-old village
17 July 2016
- Wine used in ceremonies 5000 years ago in Georgia
2 July 2016
- Prehistoric grave in Bulgaria of man holding stone axe sceptre
5 June 2016
- 8,000 year-old piece of wood blowing archaeologists' minds
2 June 2016
- Migration back to Africa took place during the Palaeolithic
2 May 2016
- 5,000-year-old rock shrine discovered in Bulgaria
13 April 2016
- Neanderthals infected by diseases carried by humans?
- Smashed skulls suggest large European battle 3,200 years ago
27 January 2016
- Ancient gold and a 7,000-year-old fortress wall in Bulgaria
- Bronze Age Boats
26 January 2016
- Did the first farmers come from Turkey?
5 January 2016
- Bronze Age fortified settlement in Poland analysed
24 December 2015
- 'Rattles' found in prehistoric infant's grave
2 December 2015
- Early farmers exploited the honeybee 8,500 years ago
28 November 2015
- Mining in the Alps dates back to the Bronze Age
23 November 2015
- 'Fourth strand' of European ancestry identified
20 October 2015
- Bulgaria's largest dolmen and 'stone egg' discovered
8 October 2015
- Were Stone Age rituals really signs of witchcraft?
3 October 2015
- Bronze Age burial site discovered in Omsk
27 September 2015
- Bronze Age Greek city found underwater
- Scientists uncover pattern of mass murder in Neolithic
25 September 2015
- 'Dancing Priestess' figurine discovered in Bulgaria
27 July 2015
- Bronze Age gold spirals discovered in Denmark
24 July 2015
- Norwegian iron helped build Iron Age Europe
7 July 2015
- Early European modern human had close Neanderthal ancestor
6 July 2015
- Chalcolithic flint workshop found in Bulgaria
29 June 2015
- 5,500-year-old fingerprint found on Danish vessel
26 May 2015
- Bronze Age Egtved girl was not from Denmark
25 May 2015
- Most European men descended from just three ancestors
19 May 2015
- Declining mobility drove humans' shift to lighter bones
18 May 2015
- A Late Glacial family at Trollesgave, Denmark
17 May 2015
- The oldest toy in Europe?
15 May 2015
- Homes burned deliberatley at Neolithic site in Bulgaria
4 May 2015
- More light shed on European origins
12 April 2015
- Are Neanderthal bone flutes the work of Ice Age hyenas?
- How Europeans evolved white skin
11 April 2015
- Northern Europeans slow to adopt farming in the Neolithic
31 March 2015
- Bronze Age bones evidence of political divination
22 March 2015
- Neanderthals crafted earliest jewellery from eagle talons
9 March 2015
- Prehistoric burial mound excavated in Poland
4 March 2015
- The oldest Norwegian skeleton
3 March 2015
- Hunting with wolves helped humans outsmart Neanderthals
- Ancient wheat points to Stone Age trade
17 February 2015
- Earliest example of death during childbirth
13 February 2015
- Embracing corpses from 3,800 BCE found in a Greek Cave
7 January 2015
- Evidence of sacrificial practices found at 6,000 year old temple in Ukraine
- Massive ancient underground city discovery in Turkey
27 December 2014
- Temple culture on Malta
24 December 2014
- Tool suggests humans entered Europe much earlier than thought
23 December 2014
- 50 newly discovered sites scheduled in Malta
- 3,000-year-old Settlement in Eastern Turkey
20 December 2014
- Ancient settlement discovered in Georgia
16 December 2014
- Ancient settlement and burial ground found in Greece
11 December 2014
- Danish Bronze Age glass beads traced to Egypt
- Stone age axe found with wood handle
5 December 2014
- Polish archaeologists dissect Iron Age burial mound
- Cappadocian site continues to yield results after 25 years
- Children involved in making giant 'moose' geoglyph
1 December 2014
- How farming threatened ancient human civilisation
29 November 2014
- Climate change not to blame for collapse of Bronze Age
10 November 2014
- Ancient art and architecture influenced by sound
6 November 2014
- Small clue to Neolithic Cham flint traders
4 November 2014
- Ancient Danish burial sites plundered
3 November 2014
- Neolithic village found underwater in Poland
31 October 2014
- Ancient sundial discovered on a Russian stone slab
23 October 2014
- Massive prehistoric settlement unearthed in Ukraine
- Neolithic barbeque pit found in Cyprus
- 5000-year-old cave paintings discovered in Russia
20 October 2014
- Tracing our ancestors at the bottom of the sea
- Prehistoric artifacts discovered in Poland
19 October 2014
- Ancient male warriors showed signs of vanity
- Greek Bronze Age re-evaluated thanks to statistical methodology
9 October 2014
- Bronze Age knife discovered in Denmark
- Armenian site challenges assumptions about human technology
2 October 2014
- 43,000-year-old modern human settlement in Central Europe
30 September 2014
- 3,900 year old bone armour unearthed in Russia
26 September 2014
- Ancient boat and settlement found off Denmark's coast
13 September 2014
- Modern Man is not responsible for decline of Neanderthals
30 August 2014
- Neolithic oven discovered in Croatia
28 August 2014
- Unique figurines found in Turkey
23 August 2014
- Earliest human burial site uncovered in Cyprus
20 August 2014
- Finland's love of milk dates back to the Stone Age
11 August 2014
- Ancient fragment of ivory is missing piece of animal figurine
3 August 2014
- Romanian cave holds some of oldest human footprints
2 August 2014
- Prehistoric henge found in Austria
21 July 2014
- Ritual burials of children by ancient Alpine lake dwellers
19 July 2014
- 8,000-year-old skull found in Norway
- Discoveries shed light on Mesolithic and Early Neolithic in Denmark
18 July 2014
- Ancient erotic graffiti found on Aegean island
- Meteorite fragment discovered in a 9,000-year-old hut
30 June 2014
- Ancient burial with chariots discovered in Caucasus
- Archaeo-astronomy steps out from shadows of the past
24 June 2014
- Ancient skull reveals secrets of Siberian society
4 June 2014
- Archaeologists dig out 7800-year-old settlement in Bulgaria
3 June 2014
- Success of early modern humans due to dog domestication
2 June 2014
- Precious Bronze Age catch on a Siberian river
1 June 2014
- An 'Atlantis' claim in the North Sea
- Neanderthals were not inferior to modern humans
31 March 2014
- Unveiling the secrets of Dutch 'Celtic fields'
24 March 2014
- 3,000-year-old pottery kilns unearthed in Poland
6 March 2014
- Iron Age Scandinavian settlement uncovered
23 February 2014
- 11,000-year-old settlement found under Baltic sea
17 February 2014
- Nordic people drank wine 3,000 years ago
16 February 2014
- Millennia-old fabric found in Turkey
14 February 2014
- 8,000 years old grain storage discovered in Turkey
19 January 2014
- 6,500-year old tin-bronze from Serbia
- Neolithic mural may depict ancient eruption
11 January 2014
- Stone circle in the Isle of Man threatened by vehicles
8 January 2014
- Neolithic life in coastal Denmark
2 January 2014
- Bronze Age artists used palace floor as a creative canvas
- Woman buried pregnant 6000 years ago in Bulgaria
30 December 2013
- Bronze Age cosmetics revealed in Cyprus
12 December 2013
- Seminar and a new book about Ġgantija Temples
- Humans occupied Cyprus earlier than previously thought
28 November 2013
- Development threatens stone circle in Malta
15 November 2013
- Ancient palace begins to be uncovered in Turkey
12 November 2013
- Fire setting at Stone Age Norwegian quarries
7 November 2013
- Cemetery dating back more than 2500 years studied in Poland
- One of the oldest cases of tuberculosis discovered
6 November 2013
- Ancient mural may be first picture of volcanic blast
28 October 2013
- Linguist reconstructs sounds of prehistoric language
21 October 2013
- Jersey, home of the last Neanderthals?
- Skull find rebuts multiple human species idea
- Neanderthals roamed with elk, bison east of Berlin
14 October 2013
- Hunter-gatherers and farmers lived side-by-side
- Butchering in Denmark 12,000 years ago
- Bronze Age migration from Sweden to Poland
25 August 2013
- Prehistoric Europeans spiced up their food
- Stone circle discovered in Ukraine
- Handaxe design reveals distinct Neanderthal cultures
17 August 2013
- World's oldest temple may have been built to worship Sirius
- Set of 5000-year-old board game pieces discovered in Turkey
8 August 2013
- Tomb of ancient noblewoman discovered in Russia
6 August 2013
- 3,500-year-old rock tombs unearthed in Turkey
24 July 2013
- Could we have communicated with Neanderthals?
23 July 2013
- Ice Age figurine's head found in Germany
- Manure used by Europe's first farmers 8,000 years ago
14 July 2013
- Mammoths may not have been hunted ony for food
10 July 2013
- Prehistoric flint mines discovered in Poland
7 June 2013
- Rare Greek Neanderthal site found
3 June 2013
- Thousands of prehistoric artefacts returned to Greece
27 May 2013
- Baby Neanderthal breast-fed for 7 months
25 May 2013
- New insights on prehistoric dog burials
- Who invented clothes?
22 May 2013
- Minoans originated in Europe, not Egypt
18 May 2013
- Dismembered dogs point to ancient initiation rite
14 May 2013
- Making of Europe unlocked by DNA
13 May 2013
- Reconstruction of the face of an ancient Maltese woman
- 40,000 boxes of Neolithic artifacts locked in Turkish warehouse
11 May 2013
- Use of fertilizers 5,000 years ago in Scandinavia
24 April 2013
- Flint-knapping can be child's work
15 April 2013
- Early Bronze Age settlement on Greek island of Keros
8 April 2013
- Trove of Neanderthal bones found in Greek cave
5 April 2013
- Afterlife of early Neolithic houses in Poland
- Unearthing ancient Sweden
27 March 2013
- 'Stone ships' in Baltic were built by maritime groups
10 March 2013
- Police return smuggled Neolithic artefacts to Kosovo
9 March 2013
- Evolution and the Ice Age
28 February 2013
- Prehistoric necropolis discovered in Romania
24 February 2013
- Conservation work of a Macedonian site is under way
- Most Upper Paleolithic human burials were simple
23 February 2013
- Farming arrived in Europe with migrants
19 February 2013
- Intact dolmen found in Switzerland
5 February 2013
- Guernsey Neolithic grave protection plan submitted
29 January 2013
- Archeologists revise image of ancient Celts
28 January 2013
- Loom weights reveal weaving in Turkey 2,500 years ago
22 January 2013
- War was central to Europe's first civilisation
19 January 2013
- Neolithic remains discovered in Istanbul
18 January 2013
- Intact Neolithic floor surface uncovered in Cyprus
17 January 2013
- Modern 'palaeo diet' not as good as the original
8 January 2013
- Privacy hedges date back to the Iron Age
7 January 2013
- More than 300 prehistoric clay figurines unearthed in Greece
30 December 2012
- Trojan pottery holds key to great Bronze Age collapse
22 December 2012
- Oldest wood architecture found in Germany
14 December 2012
- Ancient civilization uncovered in Bulgaria
13 December 2012
- Art of cheese-making dates back to the Neolithic
12 December 2012
- Cavemen were better at drawing animals than modern artists
6 December 2012
- The world's oldest microbrewery
- Our poo can reveal more than you thought!
30 November 2012
- Findings from the Neolithic on a valley in Anatolia
21 November 2012
- Hittites ahead of their time in dam building
18 November 2012
- Bronze Age axeheads X-rayed in Jersey
17 November 2012
- One of the oldest hoards in Europe
16 November 2012
- Up the fjord without a paddle
28 October 2012
- Findings dating back to 6,000 BCE unearthed in Armenia
22 October 2012
- Ancient tomb found at 'Sweden's Stonehenge'
12 October 2012
- Crete, 3500-year-old Minoan building found
11 October 2012
- Danish textile history is re-written
10 October 2012
- Europe's 'oldest urban settlement' found in Bulgaria
6 September 2012
- Danish bog army revealed
1 September 2012
- Prehistoric rock art found in caves on Azores
- Indo-European languages originated in Anatolia
21 August 2012
- Mysteries of a Neolithic 'Death Pit' revealed
16 August 2012
- Flying Lasers reveal ancient buried structures
15 August 2012
- Human evolution in Europe more complex than previously thought
- Doubts about hybridisation between humans and Neanderthals
13 August 2012
- Extraordinary human sculpture unearthed in Turkey
- Ancient sites studied from the air in Denmark
7 August 2012
- Sitting down all day might not make you fat!
28 July 2012
- Turkish village holds clues to end of nomadic lifestyle
27 July 2012
- 6,500-year-old Croatian hunting trophy
19 July 2012
- Bronze Age copper mining in Norway?
18 July 2012
- World's oldest purse studded with dog teeth?
15 July 2012
- Hidden Doggerland underworld uncovered in North Sea
14 July 2012
- Bronze Age workshop found in Cyprus
28 June 2012
- 4,000-year-old necropolis found in Serbia
27 June 2012
- 3,300-year-old gold trove sparks archeological dispute
24 June 2012
- New methods for tomb excavation
2 June 2012
- Prehistoric flutes date to 42,000 years ago
- Prague district yields evidence of 5500 BCE settlement
23 May 2012
- Popularity of rock art images shifted over time
17 May 2012
- Prehistoric farming village discovered in Cyprus
14 May 2012
- Did ancient Germans steal the pharaoh's chair design?
- New study chronicles the rise of agriculture in Europe
- Ancient Swedish stone structure spurs debate
11 May 2012
- Ancient language discovered on tablets found in Turkey
- How was Europe repopulated after Ice Age?
16 March 2012
- Stone Age 'cartoons' discovered in Russia
8 March 2012
- Neanderthals were ancient mariners
7 March 2012
- Ancient Greek cave speaks of Hades myth
13 February 2012
- Conservation plan in place for Guernsey Neolithic site
3 February 2012
- Estonian students find Iron Age life smoky and cold
- Neanderthal mammoth hunters in Jersey?
28 January 2012
- Underwater archaeology: The elusive Minoan wrecks
27 January 2012
- 7,500-year-old fishing village found in Russia
21 January 2012
- Seafaring in the Aegean: new dates
- Cave in Croatia yields oldest-known astrologer's board
20 January 2012
- Oldest evidence of ploughing in the Czech Republic
14 January 2012
- Rare ancient artefact found in Malta
8 January 2012
- New German-Israeli center to study human evolution
24 December 2011
- 9500-year-old obsidian bracelet reveals craftsmen's skills
- Prehistoric settlement discovered in Serbia
23 December 2011
- Evolution of the human skull
22 December 2011
- Neanderthals built homes with mammoth bones
- Neolithic jade ring returned to Jersey
14 December 2011
- Were Neanderthals our earliest builders?
13 December 2011
- New fragments of the 'Lion Man' figurine found
8 December 2011
- Excavations in Serbia question early humans in Europe
20 November 2011
- How humans adapted to Ice Age climate change
16 November 2011
- Ancient Bulgarian settlement destroyed by bulldozers
11 November 2011
- Central Europe's oldest artwork found in Germany
- Mesolithic remains discovered in the port of Rotterdam
5 November 2011
- Excavations in Cyprus reveal Neolithic finds
31 October 2011
- Ancient pots show transition to agriculture
21 October 2011
- Reconstruction of one of the earliest Norwegians
13 October 2011
- An early Celtic calendar discovered in the Black Forest
- Micro-copter reveals ancient burial mound in Russia
7 October 2011
- Bulgarian man stumbles across ancient treasure
4 October 2011
- New conservation efforts at Gobekli Tepe
29 September 2011
- Prehistoric settlement discovered in Turkey
25 September 2011
- Excavation of islands around Britain to establish Neolithic origins
24 September 2011
- New look for Ggantija temples
20 September 2011
- Ancient human skulls mounted on stakes found on Swedish lake
14 September 2011
- Prehistoric skirt discovered in Armenian cave
- Ancient stone anchors may rewrite history of Black Sea sailing
10 September 2011
- 8,500-year-old remains unearthed in Turkish city
8 September 2011
- The best preserved painting found at Catalhoyuk
3 September 2011
- Prehistoric interbreeding may have improved our immune system
1 September 2011
- Maltese megalithic sites enjoying upgrade
- Ancient wild horses help unlock past
30 August 2011
- Neanderthal survival story revealed in Jersey caves
25 August 2011
- Human precursors went to sea
14 August 2011
- Bronze Age cemeteries reveal when elderly gained power
13 August 2011
- Iron Age 'Interior Decorators'
- Significant finds at Bronze Age site in Cyprus
12 August 2011
- New book on Neolithic 'superhighways'
30 July 2011
- Bulgarian discovery sheds light on Copper Age
27 July 2011
- Ancient erotic carvings found in Germany
10 July 2011
- Earliest Europeans were cannibals and wore mammoth jewellery
9 July 2011
- Black Sea's ancient coast found
6 July 2011
- One of the earliest BBQs
4 July 2011
- Late Bronze Age fortress uncovered in Cyprus
30 June 2011
- Communal burials in ancient Turkish settlement
29 June 2011
- 7500-year-old skeleton found in Bulgaria
- Early human remains unearthed in Ukraine
12 June 2011
- Ancient ritual clue to mysterious broken figurines
8 June 2011
- Were ancient human migrations two-way streets?
- Guernsey prehistoric site to be excavated
7 June 2011
- Prototype of European towns unearthed in Bulgaria
25 May 2011
- Major German Bronze Age battle site uncovered
21 May 2011
- Stone Age mystery near Arctic Circle
5 May 2011
- Celtic grave examined by German archaeologists
29 April 2011
- Tender for Ggantija works published
24 April 2011
- New fragments of a 32,000-year-old figurine found
22 April 2011
- Evolution of human 'super-brain'
21 April 2011
- Dutch megalithic tomb damaged by fire
20 April 2011
- 'Gay caveman' is not gay and is not a caveman
- Earliest European writing discovered in Greece
9 April 2011
- 7,500-year-old settlement unearthed in Germany
22 March 2011
- Did Neanderthals discover fire?
- The last Neanderthals - artifacts found in Greece
18 February 2011
- Bronze Age settlement found in Hungary
12 February 2011
- Stone Age ritual object found in Poland
- Northern hunters slowed down advance of Neolithic farmers
11 February 2011
- Vikings revered Stone Age objects
1 February 2011
- Bronze Age petroglyphs found beneath burial mound in Norway
31 January 2011
- Professor Klaus Schmidt's views on Gobekli Tepe
- 160 ancient settlements dicovered in the Caucasus
24 January 2011
- Neanderthals were more athletic than their stereotype suggests
22 January 2011
- Neanderthal nose myth dispelled
21 January 2011
- Iron Age bog woman's face modeled by German researchers
17 January 2011
- Ancient buildings are physical manifestations of Bronze Age societies
15 January 2011
- What does an Iron Age beer taste like?
10 January 2011
- Maltese prehistoric site scheduled to stand
9 January 2011
- Early farming spread swiftly in Croatia
4 January 2011
- Cretan tools may point to 130,000-year-old sea travel
31 December 2010
- Rich Celtic tomb discovered in Germany
- Dental exam finds Neanderthals ate their veggies
17 December 2010
- Ancient temple of the sun discovered in Bulgaria
12 December 2010
- Turkish skeleton found with arrow tip in spine
- Catalhoyuk more accessible with 3D imaging
24 November 2010
- World's oldest Copper Age settlement found
17 November 2010
- DNA reveals origins of first European farmers
- Prehistoric finds on the Isle of Man
- Similarity between Neanderthal and human brains at birth
8 November 2010
- Copper Age history of Armenia revealed
- Bulgarian archaeologist stumble upon 8000-year-old skeleton
- Ancient megalithic sites discovered in Russia
- Archaeologists uncover early Neolithic activity on Cyprus
30 October 2010
- An ancient Swiss door
- Bronze Age tomb found in Poland
- Remains of youngest Neanderthal child found in Belgium
- Diet of early humans may have included ground flour
- Hidden landscapes of the Swedish Stone Age
20 October 2010
- Ancient wooden constructions found in the Czech Republic
- Bronze Age civilization discovered in Russia
- Controversy over care of an ancient Armenian shoe
- Ancient buried cities discovered in Russia
- Bronze Age Troy extended beyond the Citadel
- Pristine Stone Age settlement discovered in Norway
8 October 2010
- 7000-year-old village discovered in Bulgaria
- Neolithic settlement unearthed in Hungary
2 October 2010
- Ancient seal found in Turkey
- Reconstructing the Paleolithic diet
- 8,500 year old bodies found in Bursa, Turkey
- Home of 'Ice Giants' thaws, shows ancient hunts in Norway
21 September 2010
- Bronze Age skeleton died a violent death
- Sălcuţa-Telish vs Galatin; defining a culture
6 September 2010
- Mass dismissal at Çatalhöyük dig
- Bronze Age brain surgery in Turkey?
- Tablets of first written trade agreement unearthed in Anatolia
2 September 2010
- The sites and sounds of prehistory
- Nebra sky disk discarded because of volcanic ash?
23 August 2010
- Construction vehicles threaten ancient Turkish settlement
- Megalithic monuments were built within short periods of time
18 August 2010
- Prehistoric grave found in the Netherlands
- New excavations at Ikiztepe, Turkey
2 August 2010
- Neolithic tombs discovered in Russia
- Road driven over Van tumulus in Turkey
26 July 2010
- Prehistoric settlement discovered in Bulgaria
- Swiss find may be oldest evidence of dog domestication
- A window on ancient farming in Cyprus
23 July 2010
- Prehistoric Swedish dildo - or is it a tool?
19 July 2010
- Unique Stone Age house and trade goods found in Finland
18 July 2010
- The first Europeans in Bulgaria
15 July 2010
- Bronze Age settlement in Cyprus yelds rich finds
- New program in Malta offers access to little known sites
- Were Neanderthals steroid muscle men?
3 July 2010
- Dig to discover Jersey's Ice Age
29 June 2010
- Serbian site may have hosted first copper makers
- Gallery grave in Guernsey yields Neolithic findings
- Secrets of Çatalhöyük to be revealed this summer
22 June 2010
- Early Neolithic grave discovered in Bulgaria
15 June 2010
- What's a Stone Age axe doing in an Iron Age Norwegian tomb?
- Ancient cave paintings found in Romania
- World's oldest leather shoe found in Armenia
- Ancient figurine 'factory' uncovered in Cyprus
31 May 2010
- Bronze Age vessel discovered in Macedonia
- Digs in Anatolia reveal ancient prisons
24 May 2010
- Where the ancients Macedonians studied the sun and moon
- Extinctions linked to climate change
4 May 2010
- Secrets of human history extracted from ancient DNA
24 April 2010
- Turkish lentils are 4,000 years past sell-by date
17 April 2010
- Prehistoric tumuli found in central Serbia
- Bronze Age finds at Guernsey airport
- Stone Age Scandinavians unable to digest milk
16 April 2010
- Earliest known human-made structure discovered
21 February 2010
- Primitive humans conquered sea, finds in Crete suggest
16 February 2010
- Could Neanderthals live again?
- Stone Age Siberians settled in Greenland
- Danish bog woman given a face
24 January 2010
- Design contest for Ġgantija Heritage Park
- Gozo rock holds ancient wine presses
10 January 2010
- Ancient hominids may have been seafarers
- Brockdorff Circle report literally rewrites Maltese history
- Method found to read 30,000-year-old DNA
20 December 2009
- Researchers germinate 4,000-year-old seed
8 December 2009
- Oslo is older than previously thought
- Signs of mass cannibalism in the Neolithic
- Ancient gold unearthed in southern Hungary
- Sound waves and ancient Maltese temples
3 December 2009
- Big freeze plunged Europe into Ice Age in months
- A lost European Culture, pulled from obscurity
- Polar ice cap might have been smaller than thought
23 November 2009
- Ancient stone moved from archaeological site in Cyprus
- Europe's largest rondel enclosures unearthed in Bohemia
7 November 2009
- Iron Age burial mound found in the Netherlands
2 November 2009
- 11th Nordic Bronze Age Symposium
27 October 2009
- German archaeologists excavate 4,000-year-old skeletons
17 October 2009
- World's oldest submerged town dates back 5,000 years
- The mysteries of La Hougue Bie site in Jersey
11 October 2009
- Russian dolmen rescued and mysterious disk uncovered
- 5000-year-old tombs under study in Malta
- Bronze Age box unearthed in Austria
- Burial vault unearthed in Macedonia
3 October 2009
- Remains of world's oldest human brain found in Armenia
- Completion of the Choirokoitia digs for 2009
26 September 2009
- 5,000-year-old Venus figure found in Turkey
- Scandinavians are descended from Stone Age immigrants
19 September 2009
- Huge cult complex unearthed in Bulgaria
12 September 2009
- Stone figurine unearthed at Çatalhöyük
- Excavations report from Cyprus
- Ancient site in Guernsey could be fenced off
5 September 2009
- Europe's first farmers replaced their forerunners
30 August 2009
- Temple shelters in Malta 'enhance visitors' experience'
- Clues to a prehistoric raid from skeletons at a German site
22 August 2009
- Did ancient humans cause the extinction of the pygmy hippo?
- 16,000-year-old figurine unearthed in Turkey
15 August 2009
- More info on the prehistoric dwelling discovered in the Isle of Man
- Prehistoric Czech people had contact with Black Sea area
- Ancient plantations unearthed in Gozo
- Early Bronze Age artefacts discovered in Prague
8 August 2009
- Cuneiform tablets found in 2,700-year old Turkish temple
- Bronze Age settlement discovered in Hungary
- 8,000-year-old human skeleton found in Turkey
1 August 2009
- 40,000-year-old human bone found off the Dutch coast
- Prehistoric hut gives clues to ancient Alp life
26 July 2009
- First settlements in Cyprus may be older than thought
- Remains of ancient buildings found in Croatia
19 July 2009
- Neanderthals were few and poised for extinction
- Bronze Age sanctuary discovered in Bulgaria
- Ancient dwelling unearthed at Isle of Man airport
13 July 2009
- Danish students uncover hundreds of Iron Age remains
- BorgerMeetings: conferences on the Funnelbeaker culture
- Illness brought down early human rival
- Mesolithic human traces discovered in Romania
- Switzerland proposes underwater UNESCO sites
7 July 2009
- Bulgarian archaeologists discover 7,000-year-old settlement
29 June 2009
- Oldest human settlement in Aegean unearthed
- Excavation of a Bulgarian Neolithic site
- Ancient well and body found in Cyprus
- Prehistoric flute in Germany is oldest known
- Archaelogists find Neolithic grave in Serbia
7 June 2009
- Mammoths roasted in prehistoric kitchen pit
10 May 2009
- Prehistoric trans-Atlantic crossings: fact or fiction?
- Five-year plan for Maltese megalithic temples
- Prehistoric spear tip found in Slovenia
5 May 2009
- Face of the first European reconstructed by scientists
- Researchers solve the mystery of Maltese tracks
19 April 2009
- Well-preserved monumental temple discovered in Turkey
- Three Neanderthal sub-groups confirmed
8 April 2009
- Bronze Age societies were based on social networks
- Neanderthal cannibalism? Maybe not
- 1500 BCE settlement unearthed in Guernsey
30 March 2009
- Ironware piece from Turkey found to be the oldest steel
- Germany's stone age cannibalism
21 March 2009
- Reprint of Xewkija temple report
- Underwater excavations of a Turkish prehistoric settlement
- New technology for dating ancient rock paintings
16 March 2009
- German authorities let 7,000-year-old boats rot away
- Stone Age sandal found in Lake Constance
28 February 2009
- Triangular temple unearthed in Cyprus
8 February 2009
- Neanderthal genome to be unveiled
25 January 2009
- Danube delta holds answers to 'Noah's flood' debate
20 January 2009
- Neanderthals lacked projectile weapons
- Oldest known human brain from Old World found in Armenia
11 January 2009
- Istanbul's ancient past unearthed
- Necklaces reveal early man's intelligence
3 January 2009
- Pollen grain study yields new picture of Ice Age
- Traces of an ancient civilization found in Bulgaria
- Celtic village discovered in Poland
- Macedonia archeologists uncover 4,000 year old writing
- Ancient graves found accidentally in Turkey
20 December 2008
- Danish passage graves from an astronomical perspective
14 December 2008
- Prehistoric bronze hoard found off Greek beach
- Which came first, monumental building projects or farming?
- Archaeologists find piece of string dating back 8,000 years
6 December 2008
- Thera volcano catastrophe dated to 1613 BCE
- Russian site reveals 'extraordinary' Paleolithic artworks
30 November 2008
- Fishermen find ancient boat in Black Sea
23 November 2008
- Greek archaeologists find 6,500-year-old settlement
- Were Neanderthals stoned to death by modern humans?
- World's most ancient nuclear family discovered in Germany
- Ancient monument to the soul unearthed in Turkey
16 November 2008
- Neolithic cremation urns found in Istanbul
8 November 2008
- Dig unearths ancient Turkish treasures
- Bronze Age village discovered in Romania
- Switzerland to return stolen antiquities to Italy
2 November 2008
- Excavations prove İzmir was much older than thought
- Çatalhöyük now protected by a large roof
- Ancient stone with phallic motif found in Denmark
26 October 2008
- World's oldest cooked cereal was instant
- Neolithic home, household equipment unearthed in Greece
- Swedish archaeologists find Iron Age wooden artifacts
- Russians the first potters on earth?
- Treasure found inside a Bulgarian Bronze Age mound
19 October 2008
- Traces of hunting magic discovered in Altai caves
13 October 2008
- The world's first temple
- An Alpine Pompeii from the Stone Age
- Bones from prehistoric war found in Germany
- Copper Age in Europe began earlier than believed
4 October 2008
- Iron Age mausoleum discovered in Armenia
- Mycenaean warrior used 'imported sword'
- Settlement of Istanbul put back 6,000 years
29 September 2008
- Rare Bronze Age knife uncovered from Swedish tomb
- Dig starts for Channel island's secrets
- Ancient axe heads donated to Manx Museum
- Mysterious Neolithic people made optical art
- Neanderthals had a broad diet
21 September 2008
- Important finds in Bronze Age settlement in Cyprus
- Ancient settlement unearthed in eastern Turkey
- New study of a Maltese stone circle
- Discovery of Bronze-Age 'Refrigerators' Expands Homer's Troy
7 September 2008
- Cypriot plateau could be an ancient gateway
- Czech archaeologists find unique 7000-year-old statue
- Bronze Age mouse offers clues to royal shipwreck
- 6,500-year-old skeleton unearthed in Poland
- Novices dig up rare bronze bowl in Sweden
- Cemetery expansion finds Bronze Age remains in Malta
26 August 2008
- Alpine melt reveals ancient life
- Venus of Willendorf: 100th anniversary of her excavation
- Isle of Man unearths a prehistoric tragedy
- Turkish Iron Age style back in fashion
17 August 2008
- Skeletons uncovered during tube excavations in Turkey
- German scientists dig for their own Stonehenge
- Stone Age milk use began 2,000 years earlier
28 July 2008
- Malta exported wine in antiquity
19 July 2008
- Cavemen and their relatives in the same village after 3,000 years
14 July 2008
- Norwegian ancient sites are being destroyed
- Megalithic remains unearthed in Malta
28 June 2008
- 5,000-year-old jewellery workshop uncovered in Cyprus
- Oldest wheat found in Çatalhöyük
- Prehistoric mass grave found in Germany
26 April 2008
- Turkish site a Neolithic 'supernova'
12 April 2008
- DNA sheds light on Minoans
- 3,000-year-old ivory carving depicts whaling scene
- Finnish rock art from 5,000 years ago
31 March 2008
- Neolithic site unearthed in Serbia
23 March 2008
- Oldest human remains unearthed in Macedonia
- Unique cremation graves discovered in Moravia
16 March 2008
- Turkish site casts ancient man in new light
3 March 2008
- Ancient toy or whistle found in Cyprus
17 February 2008
- Ancient Minoan culture comes to life in New York
10 February 2008
- Neanderthals travelled more than first thought
- An altar beyond Olympus for a deity predating Zeus
2 February 2008
- Ancient temple-well restored in Bulgaria
- One common ancestor behind blue eyes
19 January 2008
- Recent findings and excavations in Çatalhöyük
- Prehistoric collection discovered after relic hunter's death
6 January 2008
- Neanderthals stitched too little too late
30 December 2007
- Remains of 2500-year-old civilization discovered in Russia
- Scandinavians invented ice skating in 3000 BCE
- Ancient stone circle found in Skåne
23 December 2007
- Reindeer: it's what was for dinner in prehistory
15 December 2007
- Neanderthal-human hybrid 'a myth'
9 December 2007
- Ancient wood, ropes discovered in Romania
- Ancient flood triggered 'Big Chill,' study says
17 November 2007
- Neolithic Vinca was a metallurgical culture
3 November 2007
- Stolen Neolithic artifacts returned to Greece
21 October 2007
- 7,000 year-old statue discovered in Moravia
17 October 2007
- Ancient tomb of young lovers unearthed in Turkey
9 October 2007
- Ancient metal workshop found in Serbia
16 September 2007
- Bronze age settlement found in Malta
- Prehistoric find located in Swiss lake
4 September 2007
- Iron Age sword discovered again in Germany
26 August 2007
- Prehistoric Greek water works found
- Bronze Age excavations in Cyprus
- Student finds Neolithic chewing gum
- Bronze Age hide-out discovered in Albania
19 August 2007
- Biggest ancient water tank on the Balkans
12 August 2007
- The wonders of Côa River Valley
30 July 2007
- Maltese stone circle threatened by development
- Ancient Sami village unearthed in Norway
- Spiral motifs may reveal Çatalhöyük migration
22 July 2007
- Ancient mariner tools found in Cyprus
- Dutch burial mounds to be excavated
9 July 2007
- 5000-year-old decoration unearthed in Bulgaria
1 July 2007
- Questioning the claims about the Nebra Star Disk
- Bosnian 'pyramid' loses funding
3 June 2007
- Excavations at Cypriot site completed
27 May 2007
- Bosnia archaeologists fight looters
- Old Norwegian shoe turns out to be even older
20 May 2007
- Ancient wooden anchor discovered in Turkey
7 May 2007
- Modern Man, Neanderthals seen as kindred spirits
29 April 2007
- Stone Age remains unearthed in Sweden
- Hungarian burial site yields unique archaeological find
22 April 2007
- Ancient Thracian chariot unearthed in Bulgaria
- The wave that may have destroyed Crete
- Neolithic settlement near Prague under threat
16 April 2007
- Tents for Maltese megalithic sites: a temporary solution
30 March 2007
- Neolithic settlement unearthed in Greece
25 March 2007
- Queens of the Stone Age
- Why aren't humans furry?
18 March 2007
- Italy discovers scents of Venus
- Ancient mashed grapes found in Greece
10 March 2007
- First-ever dwelling mound found in Germany
- Prehistoric settlements discovered in Greece
4 March 2007
- Prehistoric necropolis found in Greece
- Ancient olive oil factory discovered in Milas
- Earliest horse figures of Anatolia
- Early Europeans unable to stomach milk
27 February 2007
- Ancient metallurgical centre discovered in Bulgaria
- Ancient temples unearthed in Bulgaria
19 February 2007
- Revealing Urla's underwater treasures
29 January 2007
- Action taken to save graffiti on Maltese megaliths
15 January 2007
- New signposts on the path of early human migration
- Ancient 'warrior' found in permafrost
- Cambridge conference focuses on prehistoric Malta
6 January 2007
- Macedonian treasures looted
31 December 2006
- Smashed statues may solve riddle of Greek island
17 December 2006
- A Slovenian river full of ancient treasures
- 3,000-year-old dam revives farming in Turkish village
10 December 2006
- Why altruism paid off for our ancestors
3 December 2006
- Mystery of ancient astronomical calculator unveiled
27 November 2006
- Ancient settlements discovered in Anatolia
- Sky disc of Nebra shines in Basel
20 November 2006
- The real prehistoric religion of Malta
- Twins discovered buried under mammoth's bone
5 November 2006
- Ancient Mycenaean suit of armor due for conservation
- Bronze Age settlement unearthed in Malta
- Did Neanderthals and modern humans get it together?
- Ancient tomb found in Cyprus
29 October 2006
- Europe's oldest child skeleton unearthed in Bulgaria
21 October 2006
- 5,000-year-old graffiti at Tarxien Temples to be saved
- Prehistoric weapons and tools discovered in Romania
19 October 2006
- Symposium on Monument Preservation in Europe
- Archaeologists find Bronze Age anchors in Cyprus
- How did the first farmers live in Austria?
- Ancient stamp dating to 5,000 BCE unearthed in Turkey
15 October 2006
- Reliefs unearthed in 11,000-year-old Göbeklitepe tumulus
- Ancient brain surgery in Bulgaria
- Bronze Age Remains Found in Russia
- Macedonian lake reveals prehistoric artifacts
8 October 2006
- 4,000-year-old hand mills unearthed in Turkey
1 October 2006
- Bulgaria fights to save its past from gangsters
- 3D rock carvings recorded with simple equipment
26 September 2006
- Neolithic settlement unearthed in Turkey
2 September 2006
- Archaeologist talks about ancient Algarve landscape
27 August 2006
- Over 70 ancient settlements discovered in Turkey
- Neolithic men in Greece had their own sheds
25 August 2006
- Santorini eruption much larger than originally believed
8 August 2006
- 5000-year-old dagger found in Bulgaria
6 August 2006
- Markings on stone tablet may be an ancient inscription
- Bronze Age family relish chance to 'rough it'
- 30,000-year-old engraved bone found in Moravia
22 July 2006
- Archaeologists seek hints on 4000-year-old site in Tekirdağ
13 July 2006
- Çatalhöyük excavations unveil very dawn of human civilization
8 July 2006
- Study on pottery finds in the Basque Country
- New book sheds light on ancient Çatalhöyük
- Keros enigma cracked
1 July 2006
- Replica of 3,300-year-old ship arrives in Turkish resort
- Unveiling the mysteries of prehistoric Denmark
18 June 2006
- Summer solstice at Maltese prehistoric sites
14 June 2006
- Basques were fishermen more than 8,000 years ago
- Neolithic shrine unearthed in Prague
11 June 2006
- Bosnian 'pyramid' created by nature, says archaeologist
- Expedition seeks clues to lost Bronze Age culture
- Ancient stone tablets found in Turkey
21 May 2006
- Egyptian geologist backs Bosnian pyramid claim
- Discovery confirms wine-making on Santorini
1 May 2006
- Late Bronze Age in Aegean a century older
- The Bosnia-Atlantis connection
23 April 2006
- Dig finds 'evidence' of European pyramid
16 April 2006
- Digging starts on 'Europe's first pyramids' in Bosnia
6 April 2006
- Secrets of 'swamp girl' revealed in Germany
26 March 2006
- A prehistoric temple model from Malta
19 March 2006
- Archaeologists unearth Neolithic settlement in Turkey
12 March 2006
- Past, present and future of Tarxien Temples
- Ancient Cypriots fed olive oil to furnaces
5 March 2006
- Europe's most ancient graves unearthed in Poland
4 March 2006
- Bronze Age 'sky disc' deciphered
26 February 2006
- Radiocarbon review rewrites European prehistory
19 February 2006
- Greek hiker finds prehistoric pendant
27 January 2006
- Neolithic Europeans made cheese and yogurt
- Paper reports world’s oldest temple is in Sanliurfa
20 January 2006
- Archaeology team to solve Bosniac pyramid riddle
- Experts try to explain the Cycladic mystery
12 January 2006
- Fears for ancient remains from underwater site in UK
- Neolithic skeleton on display in Bulgaria
- Ta’ Hagrat and Skorba temples open to the public
26 December 2005
- Artefacts from the Gozo stone circle to return home
24 December 2005
- Mnajdra and Hagar Qim temples to be covered
- Germany reopens 6,800-year-old circle
- European faces reflect Stone Age ancestry
19 December 2005
- Shedding light on dark age of Cyprus archaeology
4 December 2005
- Prehistoric settlements found in Greece
26 November 2005
- Earliest evidence of seafaring in the Eastern Mediterranean
20 November 2005
- Human face has shrunk over the past 10,000 years
13 November 2005
- DNA shows first Europeans were hunters not farmers
2 November 2005
- Bosnian explorer finds 'Europe's first pyramids'
23 October 2005
- Ancient ritual cauldron unearthed in Bulgaria
- Protecting Maltese heritage
16 October 2005
- Ancient tablets unearthed in Turkey
9 October 2005
- Neolithic daily life shown in dig at ancient Greek site
7 October 2005
- Jewel of the Magdalenian Period
- Archaeologists uncover 2,500-year old ceramics near Tabor
25 September 2005
- Tourist killed on Greek archaeological site
- 27,000 year-old grave discovered in Austria
- Archaeologists wrap up 2005 excavations in ancient Idalion
18 September 2005
- 3000-year-old settlement found in Switzerland
17 September 2005
- Bronze age town unearthed on Cycladic island
4 September 2005
- Ancient painting discovered inside Gorham’s Cave
21 August 2005
- Thousands of golden ornaments unearthed in Bulgaria
- Bronze Age key found in Austria
13 August 2005
- Swedish Iron Age burial ground discovered
- Prehistoric sites discovered in Greece
- Ancient Labrys unearthed in Bulgaria
- Ancient skeleton found near Croatian premier's office
7 August 2005
- IFRAO 'Global State of the Art' Congress
30 July 2005
- Ancient earthworks in Jersey may stop shooting plan
- Thracian treasure discovered in Bulgaria
- Ancient stone phallus unearthed in cave
15 July 2005
- Timber circle discovered in Russia
9 July 2005
- Bulgaria excavates more Thracian mounds
- Prehistoric river samples dated
25 June 2005
- 3,500 year-old gold mask unearthed in Bulgaria
- Ancient 'bog body' unearthed in Germany
19 June 2005
- High hopes for major finds in the Isle of Wight
13 June 2005
- Found: Europe's oldest civilisation
- Bulgaria renews excavations at Orpheus temple
- Rebuilding Germany's temple of the Sun
5 June 2005
- Tekke dig ends for 2005
4 June 2005
- Bronze Age burial site found in Germany
29 May 2005
- Volunteers needed for project in the Isle of Wight
22 May 2005
- Earliest European homo sapiens is 31,000 years old
- Ancient tablets found in Bulgaria
20 May 2005
- Thracian owner of gold mask axe-chopped
- Oldest 'steel' unearthed in Turkey
14 May 2005
- Cypriots made Mediterranean's first wine
8 May 2005
- The seeds of civilization
24 April 2005
- Neolithic burial site unearthed in Slovak Republic
16 April 2005
- 4000-year-old Cypriot copper mine for sale
- Prehistoric cave of Theopetra will soon open to visitors
6 April 2005
- World's oldest 'pornographic figure' found in Germany
27 March 2005
- Plans for new excavations in ancient Turkish city
19 March 2005
- Ggantija temples undergo 3-D survey
6 March 2005
- Ancient sky map or fake?
27 February 2005
- Can Cyprus claim world's oldest perfumery?
20 February 2005
- The missing link with Neanderthals was a fraud
27 January 2005
- Shrine to Hercules unearthed in Greece
15 January 2005
- Ancient tomb discovered in Cyprus
1 January 2005
- Humans may have studied insects to master farming
26 December 2004
- Earliest depiction of a rainbow found?
15 December 2004
- 8,300-year-old grave unearthed in Bulgaria
11 December 2004
- Ice Age ivory flute found in German cave
4 December 2004
- Exhibition devoted to ancient site of Arslantepe
3 December 2004
- More debates over Cypriot Bronze Age site
25 November 2004
- 9,000-year-old relics found off coast
- Mycenaean tomb found in southern Greece
21 November 2004
- 'Menhir Alleys' found in Russia
18 November 2004
- Tall Bronze Age skeletons found in Bulgaria
13 November 2004
- Megalithic sanctuary discovered in Russia
11 November 2004
- Jersey burial mound discussed
- Gozo's heritage
9 November 2004
- Prehistoric skeleton unearthed in Bulgaria
4 November 2004
- Study on significance of Maltese cart-ruts
23 October 2004
- Bulgaria dig suggests rich past
- Neolithic site found near ancient Olympia
21 October 2004
- Clay hearths up to 34,000 years old found in Greece
15 October 2004
- Ruins wreck building plans in Romania
- Germany's Bronze Age Blockbuster
14 October 2004
- Europe's oldest wooden staircase found in Austria
- Heritage Malta: a monumental agency
- Expedition fails to settle the Noah flood debate
8 October 2004
- Coffins shed light on Ancient Greeks
- Archaeologist investigates lost society of Ionia
3 October 2004
- Swiss rock-lifter agrees to return megalith
2 October 2004
- Archaeologists finds ancient pomegranates
26 September 2004
- Bulgaria boasts 'world's oldest' sanctuary
12 September 2004
- Genetic studies hint at origins of 'Celtic' nations
8 September 2004
- The Megalithic European is published
- 4000 year old longhouse found in Norway
2 September 2004
- Plans to save Guernsey dig remain blocked
31 August 2004
- Archeologists unearth prehistoric artifacts in coastal Turkey
28 August 2004
- Ancestors of Turks came to Anatolia around 2000 BCE
26 August 2004
- Ancient Inuit graves discovered in Greenland
25 August 2004
- Prehistoric sewer system found in Turkey
13 August 2004
- Neolithic sanctuary found in Bulgaria
24 July 2004
- Human sacrifice rarer than thought
- Archaeologist traces wine origin to Neolithic
- Ancient sanctuary found in Bulgaria
22 July 2004
- Minoan graves in Hania suburb
- Early agriculture and dispersals into Europe
- 17,000-year old Prehistoric art found in Russia
17 July 2004
- Ancient skeleton collection yields cancer clues
9 July 2004
- Fossil findings blur picture of art's birth
8 July 2004
- Late Bronze Age items found in Cyprus
14 June 2004
- Bronze Age necropolis on Cyprus is being bulldozed
3 June 2004
- Minoan replica sets sail for Olympics
29 May 2004
- DNA analysis of Mycenae shaft burials
1 May 2004
- Another search for Atlantis off the Cyprus coasts
26 April 2004
- Austrian Bronze Age settlements as centres of trade
10 April 2004
- Grave discovery is oldest 'pet cat'
- Prehistory day in Malta
3 April 2004
- Stone Age child's bones found in Norway
27 March 2004
- Ancient statue found on Chios
3 March 2004
- A new first chapter in the history of medicine
1 March 2004
- Lake-dwellers revisited
11 February 2004
- Copper Age village found in Bulgaria
10 February 2004
- Harnessing fire on Bronze Age Thera
20 January 2004
- 2,800 years old tomb discovered in Cyprus
17 January 2004
- Bronze Age discovery in Croatia
1 January 2004
- Politicians accused of ignoring Guernsey’s archaeology sites
22 December 2003
- Ancient tomb found in Cyprus
19 December 2003
- 30,000-year-old figurines discovered
12 December 2003
- Additional details on Goseck circle
- Isle of Man's Tynwald Hill deserves recognition
20 November 2003
- Ancient 'astronomical' artifacts from Germany
14 November 2003
- 4,000 year-old observatory found in Macedonia
10 November 2003
- Stone Age to Bronze Age on ancient Crete
1 November 2003
- Hunt for Lost City of Atlantis
25 October 2003
- Did Thera's explosion doom Minoan Crete?
24 October 2003
- TV explanation of a Bronze Age map of the sky
18 October 2003
- The Archaeology of World Megalithic Cultures
11 October 2003
- Mnajdra temples in Malta threatened by landfill
5 October 2003
- Maltese cart ruts could simply be abandoned fields
29 September 2003
- Extraordinary finds in Norway
23 September 2003
- Oldest European human fossils
12 September 2003
- 30,000-year-old carving might be work of Neanderthals
2 September 2003
- Evidence of earliest European metallurgy in Bulgaria
26 August 2003
- Rich finds in Macedonia
23 August 2003
- 7000-year-old clay figure found in Germany
15 August 2003
- Archaeologists find 6,000-year-old statuette in Czech Republic
- Houses excavated in Neolithic city Catalhoyuk protected
9 August 2003
- German site could be an ancient astronomical observatory
3 August 2003
- Neolithic skeleton found in Russia
19 July 2003
- School children visit Neolithic project
4 June 2003
- Stone Age skull found on school outing
26 May 2003
- What was on the menu seven millenia ago
23 April 2003
- Stone Age dagger hauled out of a German lake
22 October 2001
- Neolithic art discovered on Greek island
- Ancient tombs found in Cyprus
14 November 2000
- Rock carvings found by schoolchildren in Russia
- Malta's Hal Saflieni Hypogeum opens to the public
2 July 2000
- Swedish Rock Art site in danger
29 February 2000
- Stone Age clothing more advanced than thought
30 January 2000
- 8300 BCE child's remains in Cyprus
18 November 1999
- Controversial submerged megalithic temple
10 July 1999
- Bronze Age tomb discovered in Cyprus
29 April 1999
- Neolithic ceramic statues found in Romania
- Turkish Neolithic outpost
- Double Iron Age burial
12 March 1999
- Cyprus ancient settlement listed as World Heritage
- Stone Age ax found in Switzerland