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January 2022 index:
1 January 2022
- Rescuing ancient culture in Iran
- Archaeological surveys and excavations ahead of construction of the Daryan Dam, on the Sirwan River in Kermanashah Province near what is now the Iran-Iraq border about 650 kilometres west of...
- Family tree revealed in 5,700-year-old tomb
- A research team has examined DNA of bones and teeth from a Neolithic tomb about 140 kilometres west-northwest of London. Results show 27 of the 35 individuals were biological relatives...
2 January 2022
- Iron Age settlement found in Malvern Hills
- An Iron Age settlement dating from around 2,250 years ago was recently discovered on the site of a planned new roundabout near Upton-upon-Severn, about 180 kilometres northwest of London. First...
- 45,000 year-old jewellery found in Denisova Cave
- A second stone bracelet has been discovered in the Southern Gallery of the Denisova cave, resembling the first one found in 2008 near the entrance of the cave's Eastern Gallery....
4 January 2022
- Remains of 4,500-year-old rope found in Turkey
- A third consecutive year of excavations at the Seyitömer mound around 200 kilometres south-southeast of Istanbul have revealed the remnants of a 4,500-year-old rope, along with other organic items which...
- 3,000-year-old rock art found in Tamil Nadu
- Petroglyphs and cave paintings dating to the Neolithic have been found atop Devankurichi hill (Tamil Nadu, India) by archaeologists from Pandiyanadu Cultural Foundation. The steep rocky outcrop rises abruptly nearly...
- DNA reveals large-scale migrations into Bronze Age Britain
- The Middle to Late Bronze Age was a time when settled farming communities expanded across southern Britain, and metal ores essential for producing bronze moved along extensive trade networks. Two...
6 January 2022
- Millet bread and pulse dough from Iron Age India
- As the result of research dune on charred lumps found at the Kadebakele site in southern India, which were later determined to be batter. This batter was made from millet...
- 200,000-year-old 'mammoth graveyard' found in Britain
- Archaeologists in Britain have uncovered the largest mammoth 'graveyard' that showed the skeletal remains of five mammoths, an infant, two juveniles, and two adults. These five mammoths died during the...
- Ostrich eggshell beads reveal prehistoric network in Africa
- It is difficult to known when, how, and why different populations were able to connect in the past. The answer to these questions are crucial for interpreting biological and cultural...
- Evidence of social beer consumption found in 7,000-year-old town
- Israeli researchers have recently discovered the first evidence of social beer consumption following a find of cereal grains used to produce alcohol in a 7,000 year old town. This discovery...
- Landscape modification by last interglacial Neanderthals
- Most examples relating hominin behavior to more detailed and continuous records of environmental change involve the transformation of late Pleistocene or early Holocene vegetation through the use of fire. Burning...
- Conserving the submerged dolmen of Guadalperal
- One of the most notable examples of megalithic architecture in the middle Tagus river basin, the megalithic complex of Guadalperal, in the Valdecañas reservoir about 180 kilometres west-southwest of Madrid...
11 January 2022
- Iron age hillfort for sale in England
- Hillforts are among the most striking monuments in northern Europe, built and occupied from about 900 to 100 BCE, when societies were defined by tribal territories. About 250 kilometres west-southwest...
- Stonehenge Exhibition at the British Museum
- The UK's first major exhibition focusing on the story of Stonehenge opens next month at the British Museum in London, promising to place the monument in its wider social, cultural,...
12 January 2022
- Arctic hunter-gatherers were advanced ironworkers
- Excavations at Sangis, 1,000 kilometres north-northeast of Stockholm near the Gulf of Bothnia, uncovered a rectangular iron-smelting furnace comprised of stone slabs with one open side, and holes in the...
- Turkish Neolithic statuette - a man or a woman?
- There is a Neolithic and Chalcolithic site in the central Turkish region of Anatolia, known as Catalhoyuk. Excavations first began in 1958 and this first phase continued through until 1965,...
13 January 2022
- Is this the oldest example of a burial in Africa?
- Back in the day, archaeologists could only rely on fairly basic technology to help them with dating. Then, in the 20th Century, as technology became more sophisticated, so did the...
- Fire scorches ancient Neolithic stones in Kent
- Deep in the Kent (UK) countryside is an ancient wood known locally as Walderslade Wood. This area is rich in Stone Age artefacts (over 25 sites within a 4.5 km...
14 January 2022
- 3,000-year-old cemetery found in Henan
- A two-year excavation at a more than 3,000 year old late Shang Dynasty settlement in the Henan Province of central China, around 500 kilometres south-southwest of Beijing, has revealed 18...
- Mesolithic scraper, Neolithic axe found in southern India
- A Mesolithic scraper and a Neolithic celt have been found in Tamil Nadu, on the southern tip of India. The Mesolithic chert scraper is 4 centimetres long and 4.5 centimetres...
15 January 2022
- Ancient pottery found in Jersey
- A nearly complete late Bronze Age pottery vessel has been found in fields intended for a new hospital on the island of Jersey, one of the Channel Islands off the...
- Cosquer Cave replica opens this summer
- 37 years after its discovery, a replica of the prehistoric Cosquer cave is scheduled to open on June 4th, offering a simulated experience of the most inaccessible of the decorated...
17 January 2022
- Ancient Mediterranean tsunami
- Researchers have excavated the remains of a young man killed by a tsunami about 3,600 years ago, following the eruption of a volcano on the Aegean island of Santorini, roughly...
18 January 2022
- Horned helmets of the Bronze Age
- Horned helmets are found in three places in Europe: Scandinavia, southern Iberia, and Sardinia. Horned helmet imagery has a complex history, with Levantine roots in the Late Bronze Age Mediterranean....