- 2 March 2017
- Pointillist technique on engravings discovered in France
- Aurignacian artists who decorated several newly rediscovered limestone blocks 38,000 years ago used small dots to create the illusion of a larger image - the same technique employed by Pointillist...
- 3 March 2017
- Ancient skulls suggest multiple migrations into Americas
- Researchers affiliated with institutions in the USA, Europe, and South America have found evidence that suggests the native people of South America likely arrived from more than one place. For...
- Horsemen swept into Bronze Age Europe 5,000 years ago
- Early Bronze Age men from the vast grasslands of the Eurasian steppe swept into Europe on horseback about 5000 years ago, and this mostly male migration may have persisted for...
- 6 March 2017
- Clovis culture, Ice Age fauna, and Cosmic impact
- Studies of rock samples from sites spanning a portion of North America from the Channel Islands of Pacific California to the Midwestern creeks of Oklahoma failed to turn up any...
- Scarcity of resources led to violence in prehistoric California
- Study leader and archaeology Professor Mark Allen says there are two views related to the origins of violence and warfare in humans - one that earlier humans were peaceful and...
- Bronze Age weapons found in Scotland
- Excavations during the construction of two football fields in Scotland uncovered a rare a Bronze-Age weapon hoard, including a bronze sword and a gold-decorated spearhead. The weapons, likely dating from...
- 8 March 2017
- Possible henge discovered around an ancient Welsh burial chamber
- A team of archaeologists, led by a researcher from the University of Bristol, has uncovered the remains of a possible Stonehenge-type prehistoric earthwork monument in a field in Pembrokeshire (Wales)....
- Huge prostrate menhir discovered in northern Italy
- Andrea Eremita, Bruno Calatroni, Stefano Albertieri, Paolo Ciarma e Aldo Ummarino of the 'Archeonervia' research group have announced the discovery of a 5-meter tall menhir hidden under the vegetation around...
- A great app for Megalithomaniacs
- It's been many years since we started walking on parallel roads with our longtime friend Andy Burnham, the creator of the Megalithic Portal. Recently, he put the gigantic effort of...