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February 2017 index:
9 February 2017
- Unique Iron Age burial excavated in Germany
- An undisturbed Iron Age tomb containing gold, bronze, and amber was recently uncovered by the Danube River in southern Germany, just north of the Alps. The treasure adorned and surrounded...
- 12,000 year old prostate stones earliest ever found
- Italian and British researchers investigating the prehistoric cemetery of Al Khiday on the left bank of the White Nile in central Sudan in 2013 found the oldest known prostate stones,...
- DNA reveals continuity between Stone Age and modern East Asians
- Researchers working on ancient DNA from human remains buried almost 8,000 years ago in a cave known as Devil's Gate, in a mountainous area close to the far east coast...
10 February 2017
- Wyoming wildfire reveals ancient artefacts
- A wildfire in 2011 high in the alpine forests of northwestern Wyoming, USA, revealed a vast, centuries-old Shoshone [sho-SHO-ne] campsite. The site had likely been used intermittently for as much...
- 38,000 year old rock art discovered in France
- In the summer of 2012, a group of archaeologists discovered what could be one of the oldest examples of art in Europe when they turned over a broken block of...
- Rare Stone Age house found in Abu Dhabi
- Archaeologists have revealed the discovery of a 7,500-year-old, well-preserved three-room house on Marawah Island, just off the coast of Abu Dhabi, at what was once one of the region's largest...
28 February 2017
- Hundreds of ancient earthworks found in the Amazon
- The Amazonian rainforest was transformed over two thousand years ago by ancient people who built hundreds of large, mysterious earthworks. The ditched enclosures, in Acre state in the western Brazilian...
- A prehistoric labyrinth in Denmark?
- Archaeologists have discovered a large enclosure from the Neolithic period near Stevns in Denmark, but the purpose of the site is a mystery. Discovered by archaeologists from the Museum Southeast...
- Flint sickles prove grain cultivation in Galilee 23,000 years ago
- Agriculture is believed to have dawned around 12,000 years ago, in the Levant or southern Turkey. Now remains of a 23,000-year-old camp, including flint sickle blades and extraordinarily preserved botanical...