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November 2014 index:
2 November 2014
- Clues about prehistoric residents of the Rocky Mountains
- This past summer, Matt Stirn, Rebecca Sgouros, and a crew of volunteers made two expeditions on the west slope of the Teton Range, a mountain range of the Rocky Mountains...
- Palaeolithic settlements discovered in the Nefud Desert
- The Nefud Desert is an oval depression in the northern Arabian Peninsula, known for its red sand, sudden violent winds, and large crescent-shaped dunes. It is 290 kilometres long, 225...
- Earliest human genome ever analysed
- Scientists have reconstructed the genome of a man who lived 45,000 years ago - by far the oldest ever obtained from modern humans. The research provides new clues to the...
3 November 2014
- Surprising discovery at Ness of Brodgar
- A giant-sized Neolithic Era cow found as archaeologists excavated at the famous Ness of Brodgar site in Orkney (Scotland). "It is so big that there was an immediate need for...
- Neolithic village found underwater in Poland
- Under the surface of a lake in Northern Poland, known as lake Gil Wiekli, archaeologists have found evidence of what could prove to be the first Stone Age settlement found...
4 November 2014
- Bronze Age find in Outer Hebrides dig
- A significant Bronze Age pottery find has been made during an archaeological dig on the east side of Lewis (Outer Hebrides, Scotland). Pieces believed to date from between 1500 and...
- Ancient Danish burial sites plundered
- Grave robbers have dug up and plundered four ancient burial sites in Mangehøje north of Grindsted near Billund in Jutland (Denmark). It is believed the sites date back to some...
6 November 2014
- Bog material reveals 11,500 years of Scottish history
- Peat from a bog near Edinburgh contains 11,500-year-old vegetation and glimpses of the impact made by humans on the landscape from as far back as the Neolithic period. Ravelrig bog...
- Small clue to Neolithic Cham flint traders
- Weighing a few grammes and only 25 millimetres long, a tiny flint scraper discovered by an amateur archaeologist on the Schlogen loop of the Danube in Upper Austria tells a...
10 November 2014
- Highest altitude Ice Age settlement discovered
- At two sites high in the southern Peruvian Andes, scientists have discovered remains that suggest human settlement about 12,000 years ago. More than 4,000 meters above sea level, they are...
- Ancient art and architecture influenced by sound
- During a meeting of the Acoustical Society of America in October, Steven J. Waller of Rock Art Acoustics described how prehistoric people may have interpreted sound phenomena as supernatural occurrences:...
- Huge Jordanian stone circles baffle archaeologists
- Archaeologists in Jordan have taken high-resolution aerial images of 11 ancient "Big Circles," all but one of which are around 400 meters in diameter. The similarity seems "too close to...
25 November 2014
- Double infant burial discovered in Alaska
- A decorated grave discovered in Alaska holds the remains of two infants dating back 11,500 years, the youngest Ice Age humans yet found in the Western Hemisphere, archaeologists say. Interred...
- Stone Age board game found in India
- Thavasimuthu, and Indian archaeologists, is claiming that a series of holes carved in a rock at Pannamparai village could be the prehistoric version of a traditional 'mancala' board game known...
- Possible Paleolithic site in Northeastern China
- Chinese archeologists have recently discovered an ancient human occupation site in Dalian, Northeast China's Liaoning province. Animal skeletons were first discovered at a quarry in Luotuoshan Mountain last December, by...
- Experiment to build a partial replica of Stonehenge
- Twenty years ago a life-size replica of the three largest stones at Stonehenge were made for a television documentary, Secrets of Lost Empires - Stonehenge. The three stones weighing more...
28 November 2014
- 4,000-year-old razor unearthed in Siberia
- A rudimentary razor blade used by men 4,000 years ago has been unearthed on the site of an ancient settlement in Siberia. Vyacheslav Molodin, the deputy head of the Siberian...
- Bronze Age dagger recovered in Norfolk
- A Middle Bronze Age ceremonial dagger ploughed up twelve years ago in a field in East Rudham, Norfolk, in the east of England, was used for years as a doorstop...
29 November 2014
- Climate change not to blame for collapse of Bronze Age
- Archaeologists and environmental scientists from the University of Bradford, University of Leeds, University College Cork, and Queen's University Belfast have shown that changes in Late Bronze Age climate occurred after...
- Archaeologists race against time to explore Neanderthal site
- University of Southampton archaeologists are working to save important Palaeolithic remains at a rare Neanderthal site, before they are lost to the forces of nature. The Baker's Hole site, at...