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Archaeo News  

March 2013 index:

9 March 2013
Evolution and the Ice Age
Dr Stewart has studied ancient ecosystems and the evolution of humans and other organisms over the past 100,000 years, using existing knowledge of the spread of plant and animal species...
Dig in Micronesia pushes settlement back 3400 years
An Australian team of archaeologists have uncovered evidence of human burials and early settlement in the Northern Marianas islands group, which includes Guam and Saipan and many other open Pacific...
10 March 2013
Police return smuggled Neolithic artefacts to Kosovo
Seven artefacts dating as far back as 4,000 BCE to the Neolithic period, and thought to belong to the Vinca, a prehistoric culture that traces back to 5,500 BCE in...
Maize was key in early Andean civilisation
New evidence strengthens the argument that maize played an important role in ancient Peruvian civilisation 5,000 years ago. Samples taken from pollen records, stone tool residues and fossilised faeces suggest...
24 March 2013
Were Neanderthals fitter than Olympic athletes?
New studies published by the University of Cambridge (UK) show that Stone Age man was much fitter than originally thought. Colin Shaw and Jay Stock, who are biological anthropologists at...
Donkeys were a Bronze Age status symbol
Donkeys have long been thought to be just beasts of burden, sturdy and simple. A recent discovery in Israel may put an end to that myth. The discovery occurred near...
27 March 2013
Quarry dig unearths Neolithic settlement in Berkshire
Four Neolithic houses found in a Berkshire quarry are thought to make up one of the oldest permanent settlements ever found in England. Archaeologists unearthed the 5,700-year-old foundations at Kingsmead...
Skulls of early humans carry signs of inbreeding
Buried for 100,000 years at Xujiayao in the Nihewan Basin of northern China, the recovered skull pieces of an early human exhibit a now-rare congenital deformation that indicates inbreeding might...
'Stone ships' in Baltic were built by maritime groups
In the middle of the Bronze Age, around 1000 BCE, the amount of metal objects increased dramatically in the Baltic Sea region. Around the same time, a new type of...

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