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November 2012 index:
14 November 2012
- Stone triumphs over wind
- For a brief moment in time the needs of our heritage have triumphed over our ever increasing need for energy. In the wilds of Northumberland (UK) lies an ancient monument...
- 'Oldest Mayan tomb' found in Guatemala
- One of the oldest Mayan tombs ever found has been uncovered in western Guatemala, at the Tak'alik Ab'aj temple site in Retalhuleu province, some 180 kilometres south of Guatemala City....
15 November 2012
- Excavations at the largest Neolithic site in China
- Remains of ancient settlement found in northwest China's Shaanxi province covering more than a thousand acres are the largest ever found dating to Neolithic China, scientists say. Archaeologists studying the...
- An 8,500-year-old murder mystery
- Israeli archaeologists are scratching their heads over a possible 8,500-year-old murder mystery after discovering two skeletons at the bottom of an ancient well. Flint sickle blades and arrowheads found in...
- Genetic tests prove that Oetzi was Central Europe native
- Oetzi the Iceman, an astonishingly well-preserved Neolithic mummy found in the Italian Alps in 1991, was a native of Central Europe, not a first-generation émigré from Sardinia, new research shows....
16 November 2012
- Ancient Temple Found in Israel
- Tel Beth-Shemesh (House of the Sun), about 20 kilometres west of Jerusalem is suggestive of the deity that was worshipped by the Canaanite inhabitants. The temple complex is comprised of...
- Up the fjord without a paddle
- Three paddles made out of ash wood, dating to the Ertebolle culture in the Stone Age, were recently found in Horsens Fjord, Denmark. One of them only had the handle...
- First Polynesians arrived in Tonga 2,800 years ago
- The first Polynesian settlers sailed to Tonga between 2,830 and 2,846 years ago, according to new research which relied on ultra-precise dating of coral tools found at Tonga's first settlement....
17 November 2012
- Neolithic monument unearthed in Cornwall
- Archaeologists working a site at Truro, Cornwall, in the southwest England, have discovered the fragmentary remains of an enclosure built around 5,500 years ago. Preliminary findings suggest the eastern end...
- One of the oldest hoards in Europe
- Archeologists from the University of Tuebingen's Institute of Prehistory are working with the Serbian Archeological Institute in Belgrade to analyse the most comprehensive Early Neolithic hoard ever found - a...
18 November 2012
- Stone-tipped spears half a million years old
- Our ancestors were hunting with stone-tipped spears around 200,000 years earlier than previously thought - meaning the technology must have been developed by Homo heidelbergensis, the last common ancestor of...
- Bronze Age axeheads X-rayed in Jersey
- An X-ray of the Bronze Age pot found in a Jersey field last month, carried out at the island's airport, has found a further 21 axeheads in a discovery which...
- 3,000-year-old cemetery discovered in Pakistan
- An Italian archaeological mission in Pakistan has discovered an ancient cemetery in Swat, which experts believe was built between 1500 BCE to 500 BCE. A total of 23 graves have...
19 November 2012
- Nunnery dig in Britain uncovers Bronze Age arrowhead
- An archaeology dig at a medieval nunnery in Oxford (Oxfordshire, England) has unearthed a 4,000-year-old Bronze Age arrowhead. The five-week dig by the Archaeology of East Oxford Community Project -...
21 November 2012
- New path for ancient flood
- As much as 1 million cubic meters of freshwater per second pouring into the Arctic Ocean from northwestern Canada might have triggered the last major cold spell, nearly 13,000 years...
- Hittites ahead of their time in dam building
- A dam unearthed during excavation work in the northern Anatolian province of Corum reveals construction techniques similar to those used today. The dam, which dates back to the Hittite period,...
22 November 2012
- Early hominids had a taste for grass
- In 1993, researchers in Chad unearthed a 3.5-million-year-old hominid lower jaw fragment and a few attached teeth. Based on the fossils' age, many anthropologists think the bones belonged to Australopithecus...
- 10,000-year-old home unearthed in Scotland
- The remains of what is believed to be one of Scotland's earliest homes have been uncovered in a field at Echline, South Queensferry (part of Edinburgh) during construction works for...
30 November 2012
- Findings from the Neolithic on a valley in Anatolia
- Recent archaeological work in the Levent Valley in the eastern province of Malatya's Akçadağ district (Eastern Anatolia, Turkey) has revealed traces of life from the Neolithic Age. Levent İskenderoğlu, chairman...
- Clues to Bronze Age woodland in Northern Scotland
- Analysis of charcoal at the site of a suspected Bronze Age 'sauna' in Scotland suggests the surrounding area hosted a rich and diverse woodland. Archaeologists have been examining what is...
- Early settlers migrated to Sicily during the last Ice Age.
- The analysis of human skeletal remains found in the Grotta d'Oriente Cave on the island of Favignana (Italy), show that modern humans first settled in Sicily from mainland Italy during...