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October 2012 index:
6 October 2012
- The nomadic horse worshippers of Kazakhstan
- 2,500 years ago the Steppes of Kazakhstan were the home to nomadic tribes, but one part of nomadic their lives were a little more permanent - where they were buried....
- New insight into ancient Mesopotamian trade routes
- A team of social and earth science researchers, led by Dr Ellery Frahm, Marie Curie Experienced Research Fellow at the University of Sheffield (UK) Department of archaeology, have been making...
10 October 2012
- Neolithic homes replicas to be built at Stonehenge
- A contract to build three life-sized Neolithic homes at Stonehenge in Wiltshire (England) has been put out to tender. English Heritage is inviting contractors to bid for the £60,000 project,...
- Europe's 'oldest urban settlement' found in Bulgaria
- According to archaeology Professor Vassil Nikolov, citing evidence from work done at the Provadia-Solnitsata archaeological site (Bulgaria) in summer 2012, Europe's oldest urban settlement is near Provadia, a town located...
- Bronze Age pathway found along London's railway
- Remains of a Bronze Age pathway have been discovered in Plumstead (South London, England) as part of the construction of Crossrail, a major new railway. The find was made near...
11 October 2012
- Danish textile history is re-written
- A combined team of researchers from the Danish National Research Foundation's Centre for Textile Research, University of Copenhagen (Denmark), University of Bergen (Norway) and the National Museum of Denmark, have...
- Stonehenge scan reveals hidden rock art
- A detailed laser-scan survey of the entire monument has discovered 72 previously unknown Early Bronze Age carvings chipped into five of the giant stones - graffiti added when the enormous...
12 October 2012
- Oldest dental filling found in a Stone Age tooth
- A simple beeswax cap that was applied to a broken tooth 6500 years ago is the oldest dental filling on record. It adds to evidence that Neolithic communities had a...
- Crete, 3500-year-old Minoan building found
- An accidental meeting in 1982 between well-known Greek archaeologist Yannis Sakellarakis and a shepherd from Crete has led to an archaeological discovery of great importance - Zominthos, a settlement from...
- Bronze Age discoveries at Cheeseman's Green, England
- Archaeologists have uncovered artefacts dating back 12,000 years during excavation work at the proposed development site at Cheeseman's Green, including the flint tools of ancient hunter gatherer communities, and Neolithic,...
13 October 2012
- Neanderthal trove in Madrid
- The Lozoya River Valley, in the Madrid mountain range of Guadarrama (Spain), could easily be called "Neanderthal Valley," says the paleontologist Juan Luis Arsuaga. Scientists working in Pinilla del Valle...
- Prehistoric artefacts excavated in Israel
- Prehistoric settlement remains, ranging from the Pre-Pottery Neolithic period (circa 10,000 years ago) to the Early Bronze Age (circa 5,000 years ago) were excavated at the site of Ein Zippori...
14 October 2012
- Why Orkney is the centre of Neolithic Britain
- "We have discovered a Neolithic temple complex that is without parallel in western Europe. Yet for decades we thought it was just a hill made of glacial moraine," says Ness...
20 October 2012
- Ancient 'burnt mound' unearthed in Scotland
- Gordon Sleight, projects leader for archaeology and history group Historic Assynt, in the north west Highlands, said: "Under a strange layer of clay, we came down to a 1.5 metre...
- Salafists blamed for destroying Morocco stone carvings
- Muslim hardliners known as Salafists have been blamed for destroying ancient stone carvings in the Toubkal National Park, south of Marrakech. The rock engravings dated back more than 8,000 years...
- Muddy lake bed holds radiocarbon 'Rosetta stone'
- Mud at the bottom of Lake Suigetsu, Japan, could provide the most accurate way yet of calibrating radiocarbon dates. Every year for at least the last 60,000 years, a layer...
22 October 2012
- Neanderthals - Just like us?
- A group led by Svante Paabo of the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology analysed the lengths of segments of Neanderthal DNA in modern Europeans to determine when Neanderthal genes...
- Ancient tomb found at 'Sweden's Stonehenge'
- The Ale's Stones (Ales stenar) is a megalithic monument sometimes referred to as 'Sweden's Stonehenge', overlooking the sea in southern Sweden. The 67 metre long site consists of 59 large...
28 October 2012
- Findings dating back to 6,000 BCE unearthed in Armenia
- The excavation of 37 monuments Armenia has been undertaken by the National Institute of Archeology and Ethnology of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia and the...
- Priddy stone circles vandal ordered to pay £10,000
- A 73-year-old man who vandalised a 5,000-year-old stone monument in Somerset (England) between April and October 2011 has been ordered to pay £10,000. Roger Penny, of Chewton Mendip, appeared before...