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October 2008 index:
4 October 2008
- Thieves target Mojave National Preserve artifacts
- Mojave National Preserve (Arizona, USA) has 1,600 documented archaeological sites, some dating to 10,000 BCE. Many of them have been stripped of their pottery, baskets, stone tools and metates, arrowheads...
- 'Secret of the Lost Cavern' video game
- A new game developed for Apple computers with Mac OS X operating system does have a prehistoric twist. 'Secret of the Lost Cavern - A prehistoric tale' plunges the player...
- Oetzi legal battle over
- A 17-year legal battle over the 5300-year-old 'iceman' found in the Italian Alps has finally been settled. German hikers Helmut and Erika Simon found the remains of the man, later...
- Ancient burial site saved in Spain
- A prehistoric burial site in Spain, dubbed the Stonehenge of Sevilla, is to be saved from becoming a supermarket: the Junta has overruled plans to build a commercial centre, an...
- Proposed landfill could destroy a prehistoric Irish enclosure
- An Bord Pleanál reopened a two-year-old oral hearing into proposals for a major regional landfill on a 600-acre site at Nevitt in north Co Dublin (Ireland). The board said the...
- Settlement of Istanbul put back 6,000 years
- Turkish archaeologists have found artifacts showing that Istanbul, earlier believed to be founded 2,700 years ago by the Greeks as Byzantium, is 8,500 years old, local media said. The Al-Watan...
- 'Return of the Tomb Builders' exhibition
- Visitors will be able to travel back in time six thousand years and witness the skills of their Stone Age ancestors at Wrexham Museum (Wales). The special event, Return of...
- Excavations shed light on Stone and Bronze Age Vietnam
- Archaeologists have made significant finds after conducting more than 400 excavations last year, said experts from the Viet Nam Institute of Archaeology at a conference in Ha Noi. Following excavation...
- Ancient Peru pyramid spotted by satellite
- A new remote sensing technology has peeled away layers of mud and rock near Peru's Cahuachi desert to reveal an ancient adobe pyramid, Italian researchers announced at a satellite imagery...
- Mycenaean warrior used 'imported sword'
- A Mycenaean warrior who died in western Greece over 3,000 years ago was the proud owner of a rare gold-wired sword imported from the Italian peninsula, a senior archaeologist said....
- Iron Age mausoleum discovered in Armenia
- Archeologists at work in the Gogaran village of the Lori province have recently discovered a mausoleum unlike others that appeared in Armenia. The discovery announced in September is a novelty...
13 October 2008
- Bronze Age settlement discovered in Sicily
- During a new series of digs at Ustica (a small island situated 52 km north of Sicily, Italy) led by Francesca Spatafora, Director of the Archaeoogical Service of the local Superintendence,...
- Prehistoric cave paintings took up to 20,000 years to complete
- Scientists have discovered that prehistoric cave paintings took up to 20,000 years to complete. Rather than being created in one session, as archaeologists previously thought, many of the works discovered...
- Rock-art find rewrites Australian history
- Arnhem Land, jutting into the Arafura Sea at the top of Australia, has always been a special place for Aboriginal people. Just how special has been reinforced by the discovery...
- Copper Age in Europe began earlier than believed
- Serbian archaeologists say a 7,500-year-old copper axe found at a Balkan site shows the metal was used in the Balkans hundreds of years earlier than previously thought. The find near...
- Stonehenge 'older than believed'
- New findings at Stonehenge suggest its stones were erected much earlier than thought, challenging the site's conventional history. A new excavation puts the arrival of the famous 'bluestones" - which...
- Bronze Age axe found by metal detectorist in England
- Kenilworth (Warwickshire, England) is perhaps not best known for its buried treasure. But archaeology enthusiast Roy Crick was lucky enough to unearth one of the rarest items found in the...
- Bones from prehistoric war found in Germany
- Archaeologists have discovered the bones of at least 50 prehistoric people killed in an armed attack in Germany around 1300 BCE. The signs of battle from around 1300 BCE were...
- Maine's largest prehistoric settlement
- 7,000-year-old archaeological site in Dresden (Maine, USA) has emerged as one of the most significant finds in New England, and is shaping the way historians view the lifestyles of Archaic...
- Prehistoric child buried with 'toy hedgehog' at Stonehenge
- A toy hedgehog, found in a child's grave at Stonehenge, is proof of what we have always known - children have always loved to play. The chalk figurine was probably...
- An Alpine Pompeii from the Stone Age
- What happened to the prehistoric village on Lake Mondsee in the Austrian Alps? One geologist has found evidence that a vast rock slide may have set off a tsunami that...
- The world's first temple
- It is likely the megaliths at the Neolithic site of Göbekli Tepe in Turkey once supported roofs. Archaeologists have found floors constructed of burnt lime and clay within the stone...
19 October 2008
- Idaho museum unveils 16,000-year-old tools
- The Idaho Museum of Natural History (USA) is displaying some of the nation's oldest archaeological discoveries - ancient tools found in southeastern Idaho in 2006. An archaeological team from Idaho...
- Stanton Moor stone circle saved!
- After nine long years the ambience and surroundings of the Stanton Moor stone circle (Derbyshire, England) are now safe. It is a victory that has very much been down to...
- Bronze Age long pin found at gravel site
- Another significant Bronze Age find has been unearthed at the Kingsmead Quarry in Horton near Windsor in Berkshire (England) Archaeologists believe that the item, known as a Picardy pin, dates...
- Traces of hunting magic discovered in Altai caves
- Archeologists studying the area of the well-known Tavdinsky Caves in Altai Republic assume that early people used to perform hunting magic there. Back in 2005 three archeological layers were unearthed...
- Earliest known cases of tuberculosis found in Israel
- DNA evidence of human tuberculosis from the bones of a woman and an infant excavated more than a decade ago at a 9,000-year-old village submerged off Israel's coast suggests the...
- Bronze Age artefacts unnearthed in South Yorkshire
- Prehistoric artefacts were among the exciting finds unearthed at Tickhill's (South Yorkhire, England) first metal detecting rally. Among the finds were a 3,500-year-old Bronze Age spearhead and a 2,800-year-old socketed...
- Consultation on Avebury's human prehistoric remains
- The National Trust and English Heritage have joined forces to launch a consultation on the future of prehistoric human remains excavated from their sites in Avebury, Wiltshire (England). The remains,...
- Dig in Somerset could unearth Bronze Age items
- Archaeologists are hoping to unearth evidence of what it was like to live in the ù area 4,000 years ago. They started archaeological works on land adjacent to Cambria Farm...
- Back to the Stone Age on £17,000 grant
- A group of young people from East Sussex (England) will be getting to grips with the Stone Age in a unique apprenticeship project made possible by a £17,000 grant from...
- Cremation site unearthed in Syria
- A team of researchers from the University of Tsukuba (Japan) has uncovered the remains of a crematorium thought to be about 8,600 years old, at the Tell el-Kerkh complex in...
- Prehistoric drug kit found on the Carribean
- Researchers have found the drug paraphernalia used by prehistoric humans to cook up herbal mixtures to get themselves high. Scientists have long suspected that humans have an ancient history of...
26 October 2008
- Exceptional archaeological discovery in Brittany
- During the Heritage Days held on 20 and 21 September, the Museum of Prehistory in Carnac (Brittany, France) publicly unveiled the exceptional archaeological discovery at Saint-Pierre-Quiberon. They found four long...
- Treasure found inside a Bulgarian Bronze Age mound
- A sensational discovery was made in the South of Sakar Mountain (Bulgaria) by a team of archaeologists led by Ph.D. Borislav Borislavov from Sofia University "Climent Ohridski" and Nadezhda Ivanova...
- Megalithic burial sites found in India
- Close on the heels of a megalithic settlement discovery in Babulgaon in Yavatmal district (Maharashtra, India) by a trainee archaeologist, a city student and a lecturer have for the first...
- Bone tool sheds light on prehistoric US Midwest
- A prehistoric bone tool discovered by University of Indianapolis archeologists is the oldest such artifact ever documented in Indiana, the researchers say. Radiocarbon dating shows that the tool – an...
- Archaeologists celebrate Peru find
- Peruvian archaeologists have made the most exciting find in the country for a generation. They have confirmed the discovery of two 3,000-year-old temples in the Collud-Zarpan complex, some 500 miles...
- Stonehenge guide littered with errors
- A children's guide to Stonehenge issued by English Heritage has been withdrawn after it was pilloried in a national archaeology magazine for being littered with errors. British Archaeology magazine highlighted...
- Russians the first potters on earth?
- Russian archeologists claim that the Russians were the first people on the planet to cultivate land, breed cattle and make earthenware. Russian tribes inhabited Khabarovsk Region in the Stone Age,...
- Plan for Orcadian world heritage site launched
- The new management plan for Orkney's World Heritage Site was launched in Stromness (Scotland). The management plan for the Heart of Neolithic Orkney World Heritage Site (WHS) sets out the...
- Prehistoric jewels found in desk at Cardiff university
- Tiny gold studs thought to be almost 4,000 years old which had been unearthed close to Stonehenge have been found in a desk drawer at Cardiff university. The gold studs...
- Swedish archaeologists find Iron Age wooden artifacts
- A team of archaeologists digging near the planned expansion of a roadway have uncovered 1,700 year old artifacts made of wood, making them some of the oldest man-made wooden objects...
- British National Trust suggests solstice camp site
- People living in a Wiltshire village (England) which has an ancient stone circle are being asked if visitors should be provided with overnight accommodation. The standing stones in Avebury attract...
- Neolithic home, household equipment unearthed in Greece
- Archaeologists in northern Greece have unearthed the ruins of a Neolithic house, a rare find that offers valuable information about everyday life 6,000 years ago, the Greek culture ministry said....
- World's oldest cooked cereal was instant
- European diners around 8,000 years ago could enjoy a bowl of instant wheat cereal that, aside from uneven cooking and maybe a few extra lumps, wasn't very different from hot...
- Discovery might lead to Filipino lost tribe
- When Philippine police confiscated 22 bags of broken pottery from antiquity smugglers near an area where Muslim rebels operated, little did they know that they may have uncovered the remnants...
- Traces of primitive man found in Vietnam
- Archaeologists from the Institute of Archeology have uncovered evidence that prehistoric man lived in the mountain range of Pu Ca in northern Cao Bang Province (Vietnam) approximately 7,000-8,000 years ago....
- Discovery rewrites earliest Chinese characters dating
- Inscribed animal bones and jade pieces unearthed in Changle County of eastern Shandong Province are earliest examples of Chinese characters dating back 4,500 years ago, the latest archaeological studies show....