19 August 2019
Pottery related to unknown culture found in Ecuador
Archaeologists of Far Eastern Federal University (FEFU), Institute of Archeology and Ethnography SB RAS (Russia), Escuela Superior Politécnica del Litoral (ESPOL) (Ecuador), and Tohoku University (Japan) found shards of ceramic vessels referred to the cultural sediments of early periods of Real Alto site. Findings date back to 4640 - 4460 BCE, this period borders with Valdivia, one of the oldest pottery-featured cultures in North and South America.
During the excavations at Real Alto site (Ecuador), Russian scientists found fragments of ceramic vessels belonging to the insufficiently studied San Pedro complex. Radiocarbon analysis by mass spectrometer showed the pottery dates back to 4640-4460 BCE. This period borders or coincides with the first stages of Valdivia culture. At the same time, fragments of San Pedro pottery differ from the Valdivian by decorative composition and way of its application.
The shards of San Pedro pottery correlate with fragments from Real Alto and other places of archaeological excavations retrieved in the 70s and 80s but attributed to no particular culture. Thus, the researchers received additional arguments to speak about new archaeological culture related to formative period. The one existed and developed simultaneously with Valdivia on the Pacific coast of Ecuador.
"Ceramic vessels belonging to different cultures developed simultaneously confirm that our ancestors had evolved in terms of cultural diversity," Alexander Popov said, Head of the Russian archeological expedition to Ecuador, Director of the Educational and Scientific Museum FEFU of the School of Arts and Humanities of Far Eastern Federal University.
Researchers believe that pottery fragments related to even more archaic time can be found in Ecuador. From that point, one will likely to find out whether pottery was invented in South America at the same time as in the other cultures of the globe or may it probably have been imported. The information will help to comprehend the processes of parallel development of people on the different sides of the Pacific Ocean and, in general, the multi-vector development of human communities.
FEFU researchers seek for common details and local options concerning the development of human civilization on opposite sides of the Pacific Ocean -- in South America and East Asia. Scientists compare the adaptation of the ancient man to environmental changes that influenced the economic, domestic and other aspects of the population.
Edited from EurekAlert! (24 July 2019)
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