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12 February 2015
Prehistoric caves discovered in Papua

The Archaeology Office of Jayapura has found caves used to be inhabited by prehistoric people in the Karst hilly areas of Lake Sentani, Jayapura, Papua. "The caves discovered are the Rukhabulu Awabu, Ifeli-feli and Ceruk Reugable caves," researcher Hari Suroto of the Jayapura Archaeology Office, said.
     Suroto added that their physical conditions and surroundings near a water source, where artifacts such as pottery, lake mollusc shells, marine mollusc shells and animal bones, indicated that the caves were used as human dwellings during the Neolithic age. "The findings of the marine mollusc shells in the Reugable site and Cave Rukhabulu Awabhu, illustrate that in the past the inhabitants of the two sites have been consuming marine mollusks," he said. "This indicates that the prehistoric men have already had communications with each other as proven by the findings of the sea mollusc shells in the caves," the researcher said.
     After all, the type of soil in the three caves are not suitable for producing potteries. Thus, it is concluded that the potteries found in the caves came from other places outside the cave areas. "The black color found outside the potteries indicated that they were also used to cook," Suroto concluded.

Edited from Antara News (1 February 2015)

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