23 February 2014
3D modeling of Welsh megalithic sites
HeritageTogether is project run by Bangor, Aberystwyth and Manchester Metropolitan Universities in conjunction with Gwynedd Archaeological Trust and funded by British Arts and Humanities Research Council. The aim of this project is to use photographs to create 3D digital models using a process called photogrammetry, so to create an online library of British heritage, preserved digitally and accessible to everyone.
The project aims to incorporate research by members of the public; it is hoped that people will contribute to the project by uploading digital photographs of sites that they visit. Provided that the photos are taken in the correct way, from the images that people load up, 3D models will be generated.
The 'citizen science' aspect of the project will allow to produce 3D models from a wide range of monuments from across North Wales. The organizers hope that this way of gathering data will help them produce a representative (and perhaps comprehensive) catalogue of the heritage of North Wales, provide new research into the state of monument preservation, provide new views of monuments, and provide new evidence for monument use (in the form of rock art for example).
At the end of the project, the 3D models will be freely and publicly available to provide a research resource for members of the public and researchers, though the Historic Environment Record and via the Archwilio platform. The contributions of all individuals to the project will be acknowledged, and contributors will be invited to the project exhibition, which will present the 3D modelling results.
For additional information: heritagetogether.org
Edited from Heritage Together, The Modern Antiquarian (20 February 2014)
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