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2 September 2010
What the locals in Utah ate 10,000 years ago

If you had a dinner invitation in Utah's Escalante Valley (USA) almost 10,000 years ago, you would have come just in time to try a new menu item: mush cooked from the flour of milled sage brush seeds. In the upcoming issue of the journal Kiva, Brigham Young University anthropologist Joel Janetski and his former students describe the stone tools used to grind sage, salt bush and grass seeds into flour. Because those seeds are so tiny, a single serving would have required quite a bit of seed gathering. But that doesn't mean whoever inhabited North Creek Shelter had no other choice.
     Prior to the appearance of grinding stones, the menu contained duck, beaver, deer and turkey - sheep became more common later on. "Ten thousand years ago, there was a change in the technology with grinding stones appearing for the first time," Janetski said. "People started to use these tools to process small seeds into flour."
     After five summers of meticulous excavation, archaeologists are beginning to publish what they've learned from the 'North Creek Shelter.' It's the oldest known site occupied by humans in the southern half of Utah and one of only three such archaeological sites state-wide that date so far back in time. Janetski led a group of students that earned a National Science Foundation grant to 'get to the bottom' of a site occupied on and off for the past 11,000 years, according to multiple radiocarbon estimates. "The student excavators worked morning till night in their bare feet," Janetski said. "They knew it was really important and took their shoes off to avoid contaminating the old dirt with the new."

Source: Physorg (23 August 2010)

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