26 September 2009
Dayschool - Neolithic and Bronze Age Yorkshire: Recent Work
A day meeting to mark Terry Manby's contribution to Yorkshire Prehistoric Studies will be held at Helmsley Arts Centre, Helmsley (North Yorkshire, England). Organised and supported by the North York Moors National Park Authority and Yorkshire Archaeological Society, the event will take place next Sunday 11 October 2009, from 9.45 am to 4.30 pm.
Speakers include: Ollie Cooper (The Cayton Barrow); Chris Fenton-Thomas (Neolithic Houses at Sewerby Cottage Farm, Bridlington); Duncan Hale (Catterick and Scorton ritual complex); Gill Hey (Ferry Fryston and neighbouring Beaker burials); Jim Innes (Neolithic and Bronze Age impacts on the environment: new evidence); Brendan O'Connor (Two unusual Late Bronze Age finds from County Durham); Jane Richardson (Stanbury and Dewsbury burial assemblages); Alison Sheridan (New insights into the use of jet and jet-like materials) and Blaise Vyner (Fylingdales, the fire and after).
Flyer and booking form at www.uwhg.org.uk/activities/others/DayschoolFlier09.pdf
Source: The Modern Antiquarian (25 September 2009)
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