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7 June 2009
Prehistoric sites discovered in India

The Geo-Heritage Archaeological Research Centre has discovered three Paleolithic, 27 Microlithic and 26 Megalithic sites, ranging from the prehistoric to historic periods, in a micro-region in the Thenmala valley in Kollengode (Kerala, India). A large number of architectural remains such as postholes and sockets and rock engravings have been discovered in the area. Postholes of rectangular, circular and squarish shapes are considered as Neolithic residences. The style of the rock engravings dates back to the Paleolithic age, according to the research centre.
     V. Sanal Kumar, director of the Kollengode-based research centre, says the most striking aspect of the present study is the discovery of the culturally significant prehistoric and historic sites. He claims that "this is the first time in Kerala that cultural evidences from the prehistoric to the historic periods are discovered from a micro-region." He says that historians like M.K. Raghava Warrier and Selvakumar, Archaeology Department, Tamil University, Thanjavur, have visited the sites and helped him analyse the findings.
     The chronological sequence of cultural and archaeological evidence from the Paleolithic to later historic periods has been found at Kollengode, Muthalamada, Elavancherry and Pallasena. All these areas enjoy a uniform geographical background and lie in the same region between the Ikshumadi and Gayathri streams and can be termed as a single geographical unit. Mr. Sanal Kumar, in his research paper, claims to have located the ancient Chera capital Porainadu (Vanji) in the area.

Source: The Hindu (7 June 2009)

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