26 October 2008
British National Trust suggests solstice camp site
People living in a Wiltshire village (England) which has an ancient stone circle are being asked if visitors should be provided with overnight accommodation. The standing stones in Avebury attract many people for spiritual celebrations on summer and winter solstice days. The National Trust is questioning all villagers on their views about offering campsites on special events. One option includes overnight camping. The consultation runs until 21 November with a decision due by early 2009.
The National Trust is delivering questionnaires to every household in Avebury explaining the three potential options. They are proposing an overnight campsite on West Kennet Avenue or camping on the site of the trust's overflow campsite. The third option would be to offer no campsite or tented accommodation at all during special spiritual celebrations.
The stone circle is a World Heritage Site and was uncovered by the archaeologist Alexander Keiller in the 1930s. Visitors can walk right up to the stones and touch them and nearby there are also several well-preserved Bronze Age burial mounds. An information display has been set up in the Coach House in Avebury's High Street from 25 October until 31 October from 1030 to 1600 BST.
Source: BBC News (23 October 2008)
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