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13 October 2008
Bones from prehistoric war found in Germany

Archaeologists have discovered the bones of at least 50 prehistoric people killed in an armed attack in Germany around 1300 BCE. The signs of battle from around 1300 BCE were found near Demmin, north of Berlin. They are the first proof of any war north of the Alps during the Bronze Age, said state archaeologist Detlef Jantzen. One of the skulls had a coin-sized hole in it, indicating the 20- to 30-year-old man had received a mortal blow. A neurologist said he was probably hit with a wooden club and died within hours.
     Scientists plan DNA tests on the remains, which were preserved in a peat bog, in a bid to establish if the victims were related or if they have descendants alive today. Jantzen said most remains were of men of fighting age, but some were of women and children. That means it is possible the attackers had sacked a village or taken residents prisoner and killed them.

Sources: The Earth Times (9 October 2008), Herald Sun (11 October 2008)

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