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28 October 2007
Follow in the footsteps of Iron Age woodsmen

Fancy weaving your way through ancient woodland where wolves and wildcats prowled, and Iron Age woodsmen tramped their way back to their hill fort? This is the new adventure that awaits at Castell Henllys Iron Age Hill Fort, in the Pembrokeshire Coast National Park (Wales). A new footpath has been opened up between the fort and Pengelli Forest, a national nature reserve that’s more than 400 years old. This half-term the path is ready for families to trace the steps trodden by Castell Henllys inhabitants 2,000 years ago. Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Authority, which owns and manages Castell Henllys, has worked with the landowner at Penpedwast, a 150-acre farm beside the forest, to open up the new walk.
     Rhonwen Owen, Castell Henllys supervisor, said: "This footpath gives people a chance to walk a circular route from our reception, through fields and woodlands and back to Castell Henllys. The chances are they’ll be walking the same route as an Iron Age woodsman would have walked to get to Pengelli Forest. Along the way you’ll see the Preseli Hills, Carningli - known as Mount of Angels.”
     In 2004, the new owner at Penpedwast farm asked the authority to help identify management options that would provide a sustainable income while allowing wildlife to thrive and conserving the archaeological heritage of the area. He was also keen to encourage improved access for walkers and so gave the authority right of access through some of his land for the footpath. Thanks to a Forestry Commission grant, the authority is managing the ancient woodland and has planted native trees in several fields to re-establish the forest.

Source: Tenby Today (26 October 2007)

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