7 August 2007
Archaeology under the stars in Italy
The Council of Corato, Puglia Imperiale Turismo, the APT (local tourist board) and the Archaeoclub of Italy, section of Corato - Bari, are organizing an event called 'Archeologia sotto le stelle' (Archaeology under the stars) on August 10, 11 and 12. The event comprises a guided tour of the San Magno necropolis (VIII-V century BCE) and the nearby church 'neviera' (once used to store snow, 'neve' in Italian) with experts of the Corato Archaeoclub, a wine and food tasting of local products at the azienda vitivinicola Torrevento, and a "planets and constellations identification" speech by Giuseppe Zuccalà, president of the Barese Amateur Astronomers Association. The evenings will be cheered up by the music group I Tropici del P'razzo.
A free bus is available to and from the archaeological sites and at the Azienda Torrevento (S.P. 234 km 10,600 Corato - BA). Departures are at 5:30 and 6:30 PM from P.zza XI Febbraio. The event is free, and booking is mandatory calling at the mobile phone 349 4274904 or sending an email to archeoclubcorato@hotmail.it
Source: Archeoclub Corato Press Release (1 August 2008)
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