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20 February 2005
A Scottish interactive dig

Archaeologists working in Skye (Scotland) have secured funding to begin an innovative interactive project. Excavations of a cave at Kilbride in the south-west of Skye are turning up exciting finds, including bones, early Iron Age tools, evidence of cooking and even what is thought to be Bronze Age pottery. Most startling the archaeologists have found evidence that the floor of High Pasture Cave was laid with flagstones, suggesting that the cave was used for a specific purpose.
     From March the team working at the project hope to launch Scotland’s first live archaeological website. This would allow people to see their work as it happens and learn more about their discoveries. "Archaeology is a little bit elitist at the moment," said Martin Wildgoose, one of three archaeologists working on the project. "Setting up the website will make it much more accessible. It's all about bringing a new approach to involve more people." The site will broadcast a live feed from the cave while archaeologists are working on the project.
     A recent geophysics survey has located the original entrance to the cave, and the team hope to open this access. Once they have opened the "door" they can bring lights and additional equipment into the cave. The archaeologists are currently speculating that the cave was used in a ritualistic way. "Bronze and Iron Age people seemed to revere the underworld and places near water," noted Steve Birch, another member of the team. "Perhaps they used this cave as a place to leave votive offerings to their Gods?"
     The team hope that bringing their findings to a wider public will encourage more interest in the subject. They also hope to inspire people to join them this summer to work at the project. Once it has launched, the website will be found at: www.high-pasture-cave.org.

Source: The Scotsman (17 February 2005)

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