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Archaeo News 

12 February 2005
North York Moors stones at risk 

Hundreds of ancient standing stones on the North York Moors (Yorkshire, England) could be lost for ever because of severe weather and vandals, it is claimed. Eric Frisby, a retired former Teesside teacher and conservation expert, has urged moor and heritage bosses to save the priceless monuments which have stood for hundreds of years. He says some stones have been targeted by mindless vandals and thieves who invade the park to remove landmark stones to use in their own gardens. Mr Frisby, of Durham, who taught at Hartlepool and has a lifelong interest in the moors, said: "These stones surely deserve our preservation, but no one seems to want to take responsibility."
     Most stones show major signs of weathering and Mr Frisby has asked the North York Moors National Park Authority, English Heritage and the National Trust to care for the monuments but without success, due to the potential cost of the project. He also said an information point should be set up where details of the stones can be found by students, walkers and historians. He added: "These stones are a fascinating part of our local heritage and it is vital that their history and inscriptions are recorded.
     Graham Lee, NYMNPA archaeologist, said: "These markers have been on the moors for hundreds and in some cases thousands of years. It is not financially possible to maintain them all or take them out of the weather, although the majority of the crosses are scheduled monuments and are listed."

Source: Evening Gazette (11 February 2005)

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