7 October 2004
Newgrange solstice draw is made
Schoolchildren in Ireland have made the draw for Newgrange's winter solstice celebrations this year. Only 50 people can fit into the chamber in County Meath, and the winning entries were picked from more than 24,000 applications from around the world.
Claire Tuffy of the Newgrange Visitor Centre has said: “It is nice now to look forward to sending letters out because people get so excited when they hear that their names have been drawn out. As you can see from the great number of applications, you are really lucky if you are chosen. Now all they have to do is hope that they will have clear skies in the morning.”
On the shortest day of the year, the chamber at Newgrange floods with light from the sun.
Source: Ireland On-Line (1 October 2004)
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