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7 May 2003
Burial chamber found on the grounds of a multi-million home

Michael Flatley, dancer, performer and musician has become famous for his show "Lord of the Dance". And his new 6-euro-million home Castlehyde in Cork (Ireland) happened to be built just on the grounds of an ancient site. In fact, his workmen uncovered a 4,000-year-old burial chamber while digging a septic tank on the grounds. It might have been less complicated for the billionaire to simply cover it up and say nothing. Fortunately, the talented dancer was delighted with the find which uncovered two perfect earthenware jars. He said "It's just incredible. It's possible there is a whole Bronze Age graveyard in this area. There certainly should be a major study done on this site, and what else could be lying undiscovered? But what I think is really important is that people alert the authorities to these finds. The fear is that in some cases it's easier to just rebury the find just because it will slow down work."

Source: Evening Herald (1 May 2003)

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